Page 16 of Reign

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The only thing I can register is the sound of my pulse in my ears as I tense in Milton’s arms. Pulling out, he slams back inside. Left on the brink by the vibrator, my climax crashes through me, shattering me like glass.

“Milton!” My walls clench feverishly around his girth as my orgasm pounds through me in waves. All the while, he stares down at me, watching and waiting before moving again. Driving even deeper, prolonging my head-whirling climax as I lift my hips to meet his thrusts, needing more.

He fucks me slow at first. Each roll of his hips and thrust of his cock make my nails dig into his arms. “Do they deserve it? The people you destroy?”

He goes still inside of me. “Always.”

I look into his eyes. “Then I’m yours.”

Rocking into me again, his lips are back on mine, and my arms are looped around his neck. Hand ramming into the mattress, his fingers fist the sheets around me, sweat beading his brow. Almost like he’s trying not to go somewhere else—a place that makes him like this. Like how often mine does. But I don’t feel that tug this time.

I’m here. He’s here. Earlier games are long gone. He has me. But do I have him?

Opening his eyes, his hand goes around my throat, something I’m learning he loves doing to me. His way of determining how close or far he wants me.

I’m close to coming again. I can feel it building as I grind against his every thrust. He keeps his hand around my neck as he changes pace, and I can’t keep from crying out as he pushes into me, making mefeelhim. All of him.

The tendons in his neck rope, driving forward again until I’m about to lose it. “M-Milton. Please.”

“Are you going to come for me again?”

“I…I—” My body shakes as he plows his pelvis into me, picking up the pace and brutality. I don’t think I can. I’m too overwhelmed. “Ahhh!”

But then I tense and choke on a scream as I explode again. My orgasm hits me hard. Just as I think he might control himself from coming like always, he pulls out of me and fists himself. With a grunt, he ejaculates over me, spilling onto my stomach in long, hot spurts as I still bask in mine.

As the last remnants of semen hit my skin, he rolls off me and sends his bedside lamp flying across the room. It smashes to pieces, but he doesn’t continue seeking destruction, unlike back in the club. Turning to me instead, he glares at me. Even if I don’t think it’s directed at me. “Get here.”

When I go to him, he pulls me onto his lap. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he holds me like that. Close. Eyes on mine and thumb on my swollen bottom lip. My body throbs, wanting him again even though I’m sore and my muscles ache. Is this normal to want someone this much? Is there something wrong with me?

He watches me in a way that makes my entire body tingle. Leaning in, our foreheads touch, and he sighs. “…I was seven when I was sold.”

My lungs constrict, not expecting that to come from him now. “W-What?”

“I was in an orphanage,” he continues, keeping eye contact. “I’d moved to America when I was five to live with my grandfather. After he died, the state took me in. Then a man named Sevastyn took a handful of us to a house. They called it a boarding school. That’s where I met Vadim...and Maxim. Sevastyn was their uncle, though he acted far from one. And it wasn’t long until I figured out why I was there.”

Swallowing is difficult. “Milton—”

“I was auctioned off to a woman—Anaya Makesh.”

“What did she do?”

His expression changes, and this time, he does look away. “Everything…”

That one word is enough. Enough to hear his beast roaring in pain. He was sold as a child and was hurt by a monster. Just like I was.

“You and I are more alike than you think.”And I also know pity isn’t what he wants. It’s not what I want, either. People like us just want to be heard. Seen. Loved?

Leaning into him, I graze my lips along his face. His body goes tense, and his lips capture mine, kissing me harder than he has all night. I feel him harden beneath me again as he pulls away. After catching my breath, I ask, “Where are your parents?”

“Dead, probably,” he says emotionlessly. “I don’t remember them. I got away from Anaya eventually. Found Maxim first, then Vadim later. We’ve all suffered the same evil you hear some children go through. They may not be my blood, but we’re brothers, which counts for something in this world. They’re the only family I have, so I didn’t put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. I owe them my life. I owe Maxim for teaching me control in every aspect of my life. The club, my clients, it all connects.”

I nod, understanding what he’s trying to say. Or, at least, I think I do. He doesn’t like not being in control. Of himself. Of me. Maxim was just a friend when he kicked me out, and I don’t blame him.

“I was put in Stonehill because I was pregnant,” I reveal, knowing there’s never a fitting moment to bring up the past, but here we both are. “I didn’t know I was pregnant, and I took painkillers. Too many. I just wanted the pain to stop. When I woke up in the hospital and found out I’d killed my baby from the you want to know what I felt?”

He’s frowning. “What?”

“Relief.” My voice cracks, and my heart hurts admitting it. Because it’s terrible. So wrong. I don’t deserve anything good in my life for even saying it. “I was so relieved because I didn’t have to bring a child into the world for him to hurt. Even if it did kill a part of me. I’m not the same person from when you knew me, Milton. I’m not her anymore. She died with that baby, and she’s never coming back.”
