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Catching sight of Jaxson, we ended the call, and I shoved my phone into my pocket. I kept an eye on Harper’s trailer. I doubted she was in there. She was probably with hair and makeup or wardrobe getting ready.

From across the lawn a few strides away, the director had his phone plastered to his ear as he pounded on one of the trailers.

“You can kiss your career goodbye!” the director shouted.

The trailer door swung open, and Harper stomped down the steps.

Jaxson and I exchanged glances. We’d been hired to protect Harper and keep the set free from bystanders. But she didn’t seem like she needed looking after right now.

She could take care of herself.

“Really?” she snorted and stormed up to face him. While she was shorter, she didn’t look the least bit intimidated by him. “Maybe I should call your wife, tell her how you coerced me into taking nudes so I’d get my first lead role and then proceeded to share them with the tabloids?”

The director’s face turned bright red. “You wanted to take those photographs.”

“The hell I did!” Harper shouted. She didn’t seem to care who heard her or what was said.

I waited for steam to shoot out of the director’s ears. “When the studio fires you, don’t come crawling back to me to help your career.”

He stormed off and threw his clipboard onto the grass like a child having a temper tantrum.

Her hands balled into fists.

She turned on her heels and landed her gaze on me.

