Page 59 of Drake

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Cassie woketo sunlight streaming through the window, filling the room with a happy glow that made her want to embrace the day.

The sense of joy was compounded as a muscular arm tightened around her, pulling her close to the man to whom she’d given her heart.

Having almost died the day before, the terror of being swept down a mountainside in a sea of rock and boulders seemed almost inconsequential in comparison to the fear of falling in love again. Yet, here she was, in his arms, loving and being loved by a man so special she didn’t know what she’d done to deserve him.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his voice deep and rumbly.

“Good morning,” she said, turning over to snuggle in his arms. “I wish we could hide in this room for a couple of days.”

He nodded and tightened his hold. “Me, too.”

“But we’re not on a deserted island. We’re in Hank and Sadie’s house, and we’ll be expected to join them for breakfast and fill them in on what we learned in Idaho.” She sighed.

“Or we can stay in this bed and make love until they come banging on the door to kick us out for making too much noise.” He nuzzled her neck, his hands smoothing down her naked back to cup her ass.

“Mmm. I like the way you think.” She slid her calf up to his thigh.

His cock grew and hardened against her belly.

Cassie rolled him onto his back and straddled him, poised to take him into her and ride him like the stud he was.

He gripped her hips and stopped her short. “Protection?”

Her eyes rounded. She’d almost forgotten in her mind-number desire. “Your wallet?”

He shook his head. “We used the only one I had last night.”

“Can’t you just withdraw at the last second?”

“Sweetheart, when we’re ready to talk children, I want it to be a deliberate decision, not an accident of lust. I want you to want me for me and not be in this relationship because you feel you have to for the sake of a child.”

Cassie sighed. “I hate it when you’re so logical.”

“And I love that you’re on top.” He slapped her ass playfully. “Save it for tonight when we have what we need.”

“Deal.” She leaned forward, kissed him hard on the mouth, and then rolled off the bed onto her feet. “Let’s make the most of this day. I feel we’re so close to solving this case that today might be the day.”

A knock sounded on the door.

“Cassie,” Sadie’s voice sounded through the panel. “I brought you clothes I think you can wear for the day. I’ll leave them outside your door. And Hank found some for Drake, too. I have breakfast started but take your time. Don’t feel like you have to hurry.”

Cassie’s gaze met Drake’s as they stood on the other side of the door from Sadie, completely naked. A giggle rose in her throat. She covered her mouth and waited for the sound of Sadie’s footsteps to recede.

Drake grabbed Cassie around the waist and rolled her onto the bed. “You heard the woman…take your time.”

Cassie laughed and pressed her body against his. She loved being skin to skin with him. “Nothing would give me more pleasure than to lie here all day with you.”

“With an unlimited supply of condoms,” he kissed her long and hard then got up. He held out his hand. “Come on, woman. We have a killer to catch.”

She laid her hand in his and let him draw her to her feet, her lips twisting into a wry grin. “You know how to sweep a woman back onto her feet.”

He grinned. “Just keeping it real.” Drake crossed to the door and opened it wide enough to grab the piles of clothing left there.

After closing the door, he carried the items into the bathroom and switched on the shower.

They got in together and lathered soap all over the other’s body. Cassie’s hands lingered on Drake’s engorged shaft.
