Page 19 of Drake

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Cassie nodded. “They took her body straight to Missoula, where the state crime lab is. They were freakishly excited about her mummified remains and promised to get right on it, even if it meant working through the night.”

“Any possibility they’ll have some news by morning?”

“I don’t know. They’ll probably start with dental records, looking for a match with the missing persons database,” Cassie said. “It would be negligent for me to say they could have something by morning. They never work that fast.”

“It’s not like I’ll be waiting around for a call from Missoula. We’re just getting started on the demolition.”

“How’s that coming? Is there any major structural damage?”

“So far, very little. A couple of support beams were compromised closest to the explosion inside the mine. Molly had an engineer evaluate the damage. They think it could be easily shored up. It shouldn’t be long before we move from demolition to reconstruction.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” she said with a smile.

Abby arrived with their drinks and a bowl full of chips and salsa. “Thought you might like some munchies.”

“Thank you, Abby.” Cassie’s brow furrowed. “I thought you only worked until nine on weeknights during school.”

Abby shrugged. “That was during high school. I try to get home early on weeknights during a regular college semester, but online classes make it easy to do the work on my own time.” She laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m leaving now unless you want something else. And after I leave, you only have to tell the bartender what you want, and he'll be glad to help.”

“You can close out our bill…to wrap up your night,” Drake said.

“Bills,” Cassie corrected. “We’re going Dutch.”

“I’ll be right back.” Abby left, returning shortly with their two separate bills.

Drake and Cassie both gave her cash with generous tips

Abby grinned. “Thank you. I’m saving for when I return to campus next fall. Rent prices have gone up.” She squared her shoulders. “I don’t want to graduate with a huge student loan debt.” Abby glanced at the clock on the wall. “I need to get going. You two have a good night.”

“Thank you for all you do,” Cassie said.

“Thank you for believing in me and setting a great example for me to live by.” Abby leaned close and hugged Cassie. When she straightened, she glanced at Drake. “Take good care of her. She’s the real deal.”

He nodded, not wanting to tell the young woman they weren’t on a date.

Abby left them alone.

A long, awkward silence stretched between Drake and Cassie.

“I know you didn’t want this to be a date, but I have to tell you…I wish it had been.”

Her brow wrinkled. “Why? So we could sit here even more awkwardly than we are now?”

“That’s not what I had in mind.”

She lifted her chin and stared down her nose challengingly. “What would you have done differently?”

“I would’ve picked up the check, for one,” he said.

“Which makes a woman feel obligated to give something in return, with the usual expectation being sex.” She didn’t give him a chance to repute. “Go on.”

“We would’ve had dinner and drinks and explored each other’s life histories.”

“This will be quick.” She tapped a finger to her chin and stared off into the corner. “I was born and raised in this area. I know everyone, and everyone knows me. I was a barrel racer in high school, but quit after going to college. Majored in criminal science, applied for law school and dropped out one year short of completion. I’ve never been married, no children but one brother. My parents died in a car crash less than a year ago, and I’ve only been in one semi-long-term relationship that I was glad to end. I work for the sheriff’s department, mostly in a four-wheeled vehicle. Sometimes, my job requires me to saddle up on horseback.”

She planted her elbow on the table, propped her chin on her fist and raised her eyebrows. “Your turn.”

On the spot, he hesitated. “Wow, when you make it so blunt, it’s hard to know where to start.”
