Page 17 of Drake

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“I don’t know,” Drake said. “This steak comes a really close second.”

The team consumed their meals in record time, washing them down with beer. When Drake was done, he pushed back his plate and groaned, “I don’t think I’ll need to eat again for a week.”

Abby appeared with a smile. “Did you guys save room for dessert?”

They moaned as one.

“No?” Abby chuckled. “More to drink?”

Each man shook his head.

“If that’s all, do you want me to split the ticket?” Abby asked.

“Yes, ma’am.” Drake sure as hell couldn’t afford to pay for everyone’s meals. He had yet to be paid by his current job and didn’t expect anything from the diner back in Texas. What savings he had, he’d vowed not to touch. Someday, he'd need that money for retirement. It wasn’t too early to think that way. And as long as he was able-bodied, he’d work for the money he needed to survive.

Once the bills had been paid and the last drops were drained from their glasses, the men pushed away from the table and stood—all but Drake.

“Aren’t you coming?” Grimm asked.

Drake shook his head. “You go on. I’ll find my own way back. I feel like staying a little longer.”

Murdock pulled out his chair. “I could stay a little longer.”

“Really,” Drake said. “You’ve got to be tired. I’m still keyed up and want to take a little more time relaxing. I don’t need anyone to keep me company,” he insisted.

“A man shouldn’t drink alone,” Judge said.

How did Drake tell his friends he didn’t want them to stay without insulting them or spilling the beans about his non-date?

Grimm’s eyes narrowed. “The man obviously doesn’t want us to stay. The question is why?”

Murdock’s eyes widened, and his lips spread into a grin. “Got a hot date already?”

“That has to be it. Dude, who is she?” Grimm demanded. “I figure men outnumber women ten-to-one here in Montana. How did you score a date, and you haven’t even been in town a full twenty-four hours?”

Drake’s cheeks heated. “It’s not a date. I’m just meeting someone for a beer a little later. That’s all.”

“Is she a local?” Murdock asked. “I’d like to know your pickup line. Mine isn’t working.”

Drake shook his head. “I didn’t use one. You’re on your own.”

Murdock’s brow formed a V over his nose. “I’m crushed. You aren’t going to tell us who your date is with and how you landed it.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I have half a mind to stick around and see for myself.”

Grimm hooked Murdock’s arm. “Come on, lover boy. Show’s over. Leave the man in peace.”

Murdock shook Grimm’s hand free. “Okay, okay. I’m leaving. Just one last thing… If she has a sister, would you ask her if she can set me up with her?”

Grimm grabbed one of Murdock’s arms, and Judge held the other. Together, they dragged Murdock out of the tavern, followed by Utah, who was too cool to be involved in a childish scuffle.

Drake would have laughed, but he was too busy looking for Cassie, hoping she wouldn’t arrive too early, giving his team time to vacate the premises, inside and outside the tavern.

He glanced at this watch. Fifteen minutes until nine o’clock. His pulse picked up, and his palms actually sweated. If she didn’t arrive soon, he’d be bouncing off the wall with nerves. Why did he think he’d be ready to date when he’d failed miserably at assimilating into the civilian world?
