Page 72 of Unbroken

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A New Life

Maggiesathappilyin Zane’s lap, resting her head against his shoulder. She was exhausted but blissfully happy. She had made it to the reception but only as a guest. No one would let her lift a finger and as tired as she was, she was okay with that. She watched Dani dancing sedately around the dance floor with her uncle, smiling contentedly while Levi twirled his mother around, both of them laughing. A bright smile beamed from Sofia’s face as she murmured something to JT while they were checking out the buffet table. He seemed happy enough at the moment and that made her sigh.

Zane kissed her temple. “What are you sighing about, sweetheart?”

“I’m just pleased everyone looks happy and I was admiring the beautiful job you and Levi did,” she said softly, looking up at the millions of white twinkly lights shining down from the rafters of the barn. “It looks like the Milky Way up there.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I have to admit, it looks pretty special. But, don’t get any ideas,” he said sternly. “I’m never putting up another twinkle light as long as I live.”

She threw her head back and laughed though the sound came out strained from her damaged throat. Zane reached out and stroked the bruises softly. His mouth traced the trail his fingers made as he tried to kiss the hurt away. They didn’t say anything, but their eyes met in loving communion. It was going to take a while to get over the nightmare of last night, but this celebration of love this evening was a balm to their ragged emotions of the last twenty-four hours.

They were pulled from their cocoon by a snuffling at their feet. Deputy Martinez had come up with Matilda who was obviously hunting for more treats. She had been invited to attend due to her heroic actions in finding Shawna and she had arrived resplendent in a white collar with pearls and a big white bow for the occasion.

Maggie smiled as she reached down to rub Matilda’s long, silky ears. “Look at how pretty you are,” she crooned to the Bloodhound who ate up the attention.

Martinez smiled and reached into a pocket. “I found that thing you wanted me to look for,” he told Zane, handing him a small red evidence bag. “We photographed it and logged it into evidence, but we got the powers that be to agree to release the real thing based on the circumstances.”

Zane took the bag and shook the man’s hand warmly. “Thanks, deputy. I owe you one.”

“Ah, just be happy,” he said. “And thanks for inviting us. Matilda is loving it.”

“Thank you, Deputy. And you especially, Matilda. I was told how smart and brave you were. You come by the cafe anytime for a treat!” She smiled up at Martinez as he tipped his hat.

“Ma’am. Y’all have a good rest of your night. I’m gonna take her highness here on one more trip by the buffet before we head out. I think JT has some bones from the bar-b-que saved up for her.”

Maggie gave a little wave as the deputy and his partner sauntered off. She turned to Zane. “What did he give you?” she asked.

Zane reached around her to open the small bag and tipped her engagement ring onto his palm. Her hands flew to her mouth, then she looked at her naked finger. “With everything that happened, I hadn’t even realized it was missing! Where did they find it?”

He slipped it back on her finger with reverence and kissed her hand before he spoke. “She had it. She apparently took it off your finger before she left you there to, to...” Zane couldn’t finish the sentence and he’d be damned if he’d ever let that woman’s name past his lips again.

Maggie cupped his face in her hands. Those small, soft, perfect hands he had almost lost. “But it’s back where it belongs, now,” Maggie told him, kissing him softly. “And, if it’s even possible, I love it more. I promise you it will never be off my hand again.”

They sat, their foreheads together, soaking up the moment. They had almost lost each other permanently and neither one would ever take the other for granted. Finally, she drew back slowly. As she looked into his beautiful whisky eyes, she saw the love shining in them, but she also saw the pain and guilt he was holding there. She decided she had to try to get rid of that pain.

“I wasn’t going to do this here,” she started slowly, “but I don’t think I can stand to wait.”

“What’s up, baby?” He stroked her hair and tucked a wayward strand behind an ear.

“You know they did a bunch more tests this morning before they would let me go,” she said.

His face grew tight, his eyes panicked. “Tell me. Did they find something wrong? I thought you said everything was normal.”

She smiled and stroked his face to calm him. “Everything is normal. And in about seven months we should be back in the hospital having a very normal baby.”

Zane blinked. And blinked again. His mouth dropped open, then closed. He cleared his throat. “Baby?” he croaked. “But we always...”

He met her eyes and she grinned. They both spoke at once. “The tub!”

They both broke into laughter and then he was covering her face with kisses, babbling nonsense as he did. Finally, he held her face in his hands. “I’m going to be a father,” he said solemnly.

“Yes, you definitely are,” she agreed, smiling sweetly at him. “I know we didn’t plan this but, oh Zane, I’m so happy. I hope you are, too.”

He kissed her hard. “Happier than you can imagine,” he said. His hand slid down to her belly and rested there, in awe. “This is going to be the most loved baby in the history of the world,” he declared.

Tears came to her eyes as she covered his hand with her own. Gold flashed in his eyes as they met hers. “Let’s go home and celebrate.”

She nodded and he lifted her in his arms, carrying her toward their new life.

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