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Henry,Charlie,andIescort Luke and Liv to Raven’s office. Our footsteps echo against the concrete walls. Henry just spent the last hour explaining everything and answering their questions. Liv is pissed, but she walks between Luke and her dad, gripping Luke’s hand like he might float away otherwise.

We come to a stop, and I rest my palm against the panel next to the door. It slides open and we file in.

Raven leans against his desk and straightens as we enter. I sit with Charlie on the couch against the back wall. Things are about to get interesting.

Henry, his head bandaged, lowers into the armchair. Raven extends his hand to Liv first. “I’m Raven.”

She eyes him with curiosity, but remains silent as she shakes his hand.

Raven faces Luke and they shake hands. “I worked with your father. I helped him create Nova.”

Luke only nods, but I don’t need Charlie’s abilities to know the news upsets him. Luke’s eyes narrow as they drop their hands. “Have we met before?”

Raven shifts his stance, but doesn’t answer him. Luke’s eyes widen in recognition. “You’re the old guy from the bar. You promised everything would be ok. Is this what you meant?”

I share a look with Charlie. Raven never told us he contacted Luke. We watch as Luke and Raven stare each other down for several moments. Then Raven sighs. “No. It’s not what I meant. Please take a seat and I’ll answer your questions. But for now, we’re on lockdown. We don’t know what Davenport or Liv’s mom saw, or what they reported.”

“We can call her Barbara from now on,” Henry says. His tone hard. Liv reaches over and squeezes his hand as she sits on the adjacent couch. Luke takes the seat next to her.

“I can’t tell you how I know. But it’s going to be ok, Dad. I promise,” she says. I glare at Charlie. He must have shown her something from the future, which is dangerous. He returns my stare with his own challenge, and I drop it. We have bigger issues to deal with.

Raven continues. “It will be awhile before it’s safe to resume our mission.”

“Tell me what happened to my son,” Henry says.

“We’re not sure. Sylvie is resting. Once she’s recovered, we’ll know more. But it’s clear that John and Liv share a powerful connection. We’ve only come across one pair of agent siblings, and their telepathic bond was strong, even across distances.”

"But I haven't been dreaming about him. I haven't sensed him at all until...the other night," Liv says.

Raven looks to the side as he contemplates. "John hasn't been able to use his abilities properly. It was probably blocking his connection to you."

Liv sighs and crosses her arms. “How many of us are there?” Liv asks.

“We don't know. But there are five confirmed, including you,” Raven says.

Her brows furrow as she looks at Luke, doing the math. “Who’s the fifth?”

The door slides open and Clay walks in. Luke bolts to his feet, pulling Liv behind him. She peeks around his arm. It will take a while for Luke to get used to the fact that she’ll need to be the one protecting him. But then again, that might never happen.

“You son of a bitch,” Luke says, squaring his shoulders at Clay.

“This is Clayton Fox. Sylvie’s brother. He’s our fifth agent,” Raven says.

Fox winks at them and takes a seat next to us. “You’re so dramatic,” Charlie says, shaking his head.

Fox shrugs. “Come on, that was a badass reveal.”

“Sylvie? Is she an Agent too?” Liv asks.

“No. She and Clay are half siblings. They share the same mother, but Clay’s father was part of the experiment. Even so, it’s not typical for women to be Agents.”

Henry frowns at Raven, but he ignores him. “You’re an enigma, Liv. They specifically targeted the experiment for males. But Charlie’s father and Henry received doses from the same batch. Your specialties are almost identical.”

She glances at Charlie, then makes eye contact with me while she contemplates his words. “What about Luke? We… Dream Shared or whatever you call it. What does that mean?”

Raven looks at Luke for a moment, then straightens. “Sylvie’s latest theory is a blood bond. When you were shot, your blood transferred to Luke when the bullet went through his shoulder. It triggered the connection.”
