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On Sunday, John invites the crew over for barbeque. He looks up and smiles when I come through the sliding glass door and spreads his arms for his customary bear hug. Luke offers him a fist bump over my shoulder. He greets Brando and Jackson the same way as they file out past him. He and Mark embrace in one of those back clapping bro hugs.

Sylvie is already there, sipping a beer. We chat for a bit after I introduce her to the guys. She and John have been hanging out a lot, but it looks like they’re both planted in the friend zone. I hope with time that will change.

The guys bust each other’s balls, as they do. John closes the grill and I pull him aside.

“Have you talked to Dad?”

He grimaces and sighs. “Yea, he’s being unreasonable.”

“He’s different, John. Something’s off.”

He nods and looks to the side. “I know. It’s Barbara.”

“What do we do?”

He frowns, and I see the battle in his eyes. It’s the same battle I have in my head. Dad has always protected us, and now it’s our turn to protect him, but will he listen to us?

“There’s nothing we can do. It’s his choice.”

He looks down at me, and the creases by his eyes grow more prominent. I don’t like it, but he’s right.

The doorbell rings. “I’ll get it. That must be Jordy and Skye.”

I set my beer down and head inside. I yank open the front door with a big smile and blink in shock as it fades from my face. Jeremy stands there in jeans and a wrinkled t-shirt. His hair is a mess and his beard full. “Oh, thank God you’re here. I was so worried about you.” He takes his hands out of his pockets and pulls me in for a hug.

“Jeremy, what are you doing here?” I ask, blinking in confusion.

He steps back when I don’t return his hug and runs a hand through his hair. “I know you hang out with your brother on Sundays, so I thought I might find you here. I uh… I wanted to make sure you were ok.”

My eyebrows lower and I grip the door handle. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

I glance over my shoulder. They can’t see me. “I saw you on the news with that rich guy. I had to see if it was true.”

My face hardens. “You need to leave Jeremy.”

He sighs. “I know I don’t have the right to be here. I just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”

That’s rich, coming from him. His eyes track movement behind me and I’m relieved to feel Luke’s hand on my back. He stands next to me and appraises Jeremy with caution. “Everything ok, Liv?” His gaze doesn’t leave Jeremy as he speaks.

“Yea. This is Jeremy. My ex-husband.”

“What can we do for you?” he asks, a calm alertness settling over him. It reminds me of a police dog as it watches the target and waits for the command to attack.

Jeremy’s face hardens the longer Luke looks at him. “I’m making sure Liv is ok.” He looks at Luke like he doubts I am. His gaze bounces between us.

“Liv, you can’t trust him,” he says.

Luke squeezes my hip as my anger flares.

“You need to leave,” I say through clenched teeth.

Jeremy steps closer to me and opens his mouth to speak, but Luke cuts him off. He steps in front of me and moves towards Jeremy without touching him. Jeremy backs up on instinct, proving he’s not a total idiot after all.

“She told you to leave,” Luke says in a hard voice. He’s done with whatever this is, and so am I.
