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“Who is he?” I ask Raven through my implant as I watch Mark intercept a blonde man who appears less than savory.

“A fucking problem.”

“Want me to take him out?”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “No. Not yet.”

I continue to watch in silence from my perch on a nearby balcony. Luke and Liv just had one epic date. I even blushed at the steamy kiss they shared on the beach and promptly found interest elsewhere.

The greasy haired man leaves and Luke and Liv head to the valet. “Are you concerned about how close they’re getting?”

“No. It works in our favor for now. He has the resources to protect her without bringing attention to us. Infinitum is interested in her, so we need to keep her close. If she’s not an agent, we have nothing to worry about.”

“I’m coming back in,” I say and Raven grunts in approval. I hop over the balcony railing and land with a soft thud in the sand three floors below.

When I walk into the apartment, Raven has the feed up for Luke’s condo where they’re explaining who the blonde guy is to Liv. I listen and turn to Raven when they’re done.

“I’ll run up a report,” I say.

“I already sent you the file. He’s a sleaze bag, but I haven’t found any link to Infinitum. But that doesn’t mean it doesn't exist."

I nod and settle into my chair. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Raven runs his hand over his beard and nods. “I’ve got Sylvie set up for John. Once she can get a blood sample, we’ll have our confirmation.” We both agree that John is an agent, we just need to prove it before we can move forward.

“I’m going to get her set up, I’ll be back later.”

Raven reaches over and hands me a black case. “Leave this in her secret lair. She’ll know what to do with it.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s not a secret lair. It’s her second bedroom.”

The corner of his lip quirks up and he shrugs before returning to his computer. I grab the case with a sigh and head out to Sylvie’s new house we rented. I spend a few hours making sure everything is ready for her, then crash for the night.

The next morning, I meet Raven in the kitchen of our shared apartment. He looks like he’s been up for hours already.

He sets down his coffee mug Sylvie bought for him and turns to me.World's greatest bossis inscribed over the obnoxiously bright orange and pink mug. When he opened the gift, it was one of the few times we saw Raven smile. He brings it with him everywhere. “Are you ready to go?”

I nod and grab my ball cap. The sun will be up in an hour, so we’re getting in our daily run. We head downstairs and when we get to the water we start a light jog. For a man in his early sixties, Raven is in incredible shape.

We don’t speak when we run. We don’t need to. I never knew my father. My mom raised me on her own. She claimed my dad was an anonymous sperm donor.

When I first started working with Raven, I suspected that he was my biological father. He had to sit me down and tell me he wasn’t. He even ran a DNA test to prove it. Years later, the DNA doesn’t matter. He’s the only father figure I’ve ever known. He’s hard on me, but it’s only to make me the best version of myself. I know little about his past, only that Infinitum killed someone he loved. He shut me down whenever I would bring it up, so I stopped years ago.

He surprises me when he speaks. “Did you ever have a girlfriend?”

I glance at him, but he stares straight ahead. “I did.”

“What happened?”

“My best friend, while I was in basic training.”


“They’re married now. Have a couple of kids. I’m happy for them.”
