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Her hair tickles my neck and her leg rests over mine. I want to stay in this bed forever. I glance at the clock and hold back a sigh. It’s late morning. I can’t remember the last time I slept in this late.

Last night was unexpected. I’ve never stayed up talking with a woman before. Jackson and Brando are going to give me so much shit, but I don’t care. I’d do it all over again, and I hope she’ll let me.

It was crazy how much we had in common. I’d never reacted to anyone like that before. I hadn’t planned on telling her my secret last night, but the overwhelming urge to spill my truth took over. She surprised me how well she took the news.

My phone buzzes again and I sigh. The jet leaves for LA in two hours. They’ll wait for me, but I don’t want to be that guy. Plus, if I’m late, Emilia will get suspicious, and I’m not ready for the inquisition just yet. I look down at Liv and smile when a soft snore escapes her. Damn, she’s cute. I hate leaving her like this, but she looks like she’s out and I don’t want to wake her.

I carefully slide out from under her. She must sleep like the dead because she lets out a little groan and pulls the pillow I was using into her chest, but doesn’t wake. I brush a lock of hair off her face and press my lips to her forehead, just needing to touch her one last time before I go. I stare at her beautiful face for a second as I try to get a hold of my swirling thoughts.

She’s just...special. I don’t know how else to explain it. She makes me feel calm, which is no small feat. My mind is always going a mile a minute, but when she’s near me it’s like I get a break. Which is why I’m stalling.

Taking a deep breath, I step into my boots and grab my phone. I take one last look at her before heading out of her apartment. Once I Iock the door and pull it closed, I pull out my phone and order a car. I check my messages on the ten-minute ride to my condo. As predicted, there are a half a dozen missed texts from the group chat with the guys.

Jackson: Luke

Jackson: Luuuuuke

Jackson: You better not be answering because you’re with Liv

Jackson: Luuuuuuuuuuuuuke

Jackson: I can’t get a hold of Brando either. How the hell am I the only one who didn’t get laid last night? I’m the attractive one.

Mark: Sorry, kiddo. That title is not available.

Jackson: You wish grandpa

Mark: Respect your elders, especially when they’re getting laid and you’re not

Jackson: Goddamnit! Fuck all of you!

Mark: They did

Jackson: I hate you

Jordy: So it went well?

Jackson: He disappeared with her around 10. We may never see him again. Dibs on his yacht.

Me: Good morning assholes

Jackson: He lives!!! Tell me EVERYTHING!

Me: A gentleman never tells

Jackson: Right, good thing you’re not one. Spill.

Me: We just talked

Jackson: *Facepalm* Did you braid her hair too?

Me: Maybe

Jackson: Fucking hopeless. She’s so gonna friend zone you and it will be your own damn fault.
