Page 69 of Not Quite Roommates

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Jonah tappedhis pen against his desk. Lacy kept biting the end of her pen while she worked. She bit it and then brushed it over her lower lip as she stared at her screen. She didn’t seem to be aware of him watching her. He should be doing his own work, but with his desk pointed toward hers, concentrating on photoshopping a dog food ad really wasn’t possible.

She’d worn her dark hair down today. Most likely to hide the trail of hickeys he’d left on her neck Saturday night. Not to mention the few he’d given her Sunday. Her hair wasn’t that effective. He could see them and remembered her moans as he gave them to her. The memories and that damned pen made him so damn hard, which kept him from leaving his desk.

“What do you think of this picture for the Berrington ad?” Logan rolled his chair over next to Lacy with his tablet.

Jonah set his pen aside. From his vantage point, he couldn’t see what Logan tried to show her. Her cheeks brightened a little as she finished whatever she worked on. Jonah should look at his computer screen and actually do some work too, but he was far more interested in what was happening at Lacy’s desk. She finally glanced down at the image.

“Oh.” Lacy’s gaze flitted up to Logan’s and then to Jonah’s. She held Jonah’s gaze for a moment as if surprised to catch him watching her. He gave her a small smirk. The color in her cheeks deepened and she returned her gaze to the tablet.

“If I crop it here?” Logan drew his finger across the tablet, still focused on the work.

“Maybe. But it still seems a little. . . risqué?” Lacy swiped her tongue across her bottom lip. “We don’t want to push the envelope too much given the ad space.”

Logan smirked and nudged her with his elbow. “Come on. Everyone likes looking at a beautiful body. Part of our whole deal here at Taylor and King is giving the client something unexpected, but traditional.”

Lacy pursed her lips and contemplated the image again.

Logan’s gaze flicked up to watch her face. He seemed to be studying her.

“Maybe if you crop a little more like this.” She drew her finger along the screen.

Staring at the image, Logan grinned. He held out his fist to Lacy. “Excellent.”

She bumped her fist against his and shook her head as he wheeled away.

“You’re awesome, Lacy.” Logan attached his tablet to his keyboard.

“Thanks,” she said, still a little flustered apparently.

Was Logan paying attention to Lacy more because of how she looked on Saturday night? Or because of the trail of hickeys Jonah had left? Or was this normal? Jonah had only a week to compare this behavior to and that week he’d spent in lust with his coworker/roommate.

Maybe he’d been right; Logan would have to be a fool to not know Lacy was into him. Maybe proof someone else wanted Lacy was enough to make Logan want her. Fuck.

“Monday meeting, folks.” Drew came out of his office and set his laptop on the conference table.

Fortunately thinking about Logan had diminished Jonah’s previous state enough he could move comfortably to the table to join the meeting. Everyone brought their tablets to the table and took their seats. Claire and Logan chose to sit on the far side. Lacy took a seat toward the end of the table. Jonah sat next to her, enjoying the blush that tinged her cheeks.

Phoebe sauntered in at that particular moment, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Another meeting? Is this going to be an every week thing?” Phoebe put her purse on her desk and crossed her arms, looking at Drew. Morgan came out of their office.

“It’s probably why we decided to call it the Monday meeting,” Morgan said, raising her eyebrow at Phoebe.

“Yes, but does it have to be every Monday?” Phoebe sipped from her Starbucks’ coffee cup.

“Kind of the point.” Morgan sat next to Drew and stared pointedly at Phoebe.

“Fine.” Phoebe strolled over to the conference table and sat next to Morgan. “Weren’t we hiring another person?”

Drew reclined in his chair. “We’re still negotiating. We want someone who can work the sales angle more. That way Morgan and I can focus on working the creative side.”

“I thought I was your sales team?” Phoebe pouted at Morgan.

“Once there are two of you, there will be a team.” Morgan placed her hands on the table and gave Phoebe a pointed look. “Can we get on with the meeting?”

“Go ahead.” Phoebe waved her hand, dismissively.
