Page 43 of Not Quite Roommates

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Lacy hadn’t been completelyquiet since Jonah returned with the drinks, but she definitely seemed reserved as she nursed her margarita. A smile graced her lips. Apparently, alone time with Logan had gone well. Every time someone mentioned getting more drinks, Lacy gestured to her half full glass. Jonah couldn’t help the smile that nudged his lips when she did.

“Oh, it’s my song.” Claire turned to Lacy and reached across the table. “Come on. Let’s dance.”

Color flooded Lacy’s cheeks. “I’m not really much of a dancer.”

“Finish that margarita and I bet you will be. You’ve been nursing that drink too long. Drink it.” Claire winked at her before turning to Logan. “Logan, as my best friend, you are required by law to go shake it on the dance floor with me when my favorite song comes on.”

Logan gave her a skeptical look. “By law?”

Claire snagged his hand and pulled him from the booth. “Come on, you two. We didn’t come to a dance club to sit around and drink.”

Jonah slid out of the booth and held out his hand to Lacy. She finished her drink, which by now must be mostly water, and took his hand. Keeping his eye on Logan and Claire, he drew Lacy out onto the dance floor. The music pounded into his ears. The press of bodies on the floor was almost too much. Not to mention the heat.

Lacy practically plastered herself to his back, sending a rush through him. They finally managed to find the small chunk of dance floor Claire and Logan had staked out for them.

Lacy tugged on his shirt sleeve when they stopped in the middle of the people. He leaned down so her lips almost touched his ear.

“I don’t know how to dance.”

He lifted his head and met her eyes. A slight edge of panic lingered in them. She knew all day they were coming to a club and she just now mentioned this. He bent down to her ear and said, “Just move your hips and do what everyone else is doing.”

Claire leaned closer to Jonah and yelled over the music, “Everything okay?”

He nodded and dragged Lacy in front of him. Logan and Claire had started to dance in beat with the music. Lacy started moving side to side, stiffly. She seemed as uncoordinated as she’d been in the high heels.

He said in her ear, “Just relax and go with the music.”

She nodded and bit her lip as she concentrated on trying to move. She was all awkward elbows and hips, jerking. While he thought she was cute, she definitely wasn’t hitting the sexy vibe she’d been hoping for. Fortunately Claire and Logan seemed off in their own little worlds as they danced and didn’t notice Lacy’s chaotic moves.

He dropped his hands on her bare shoulders, and she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him.

“We’ll be back,” Jonah yelled at Claire and Logan. Claire gave him a thumbs up.

Taking Lacy’s hand, he dragged her to the bar where it was a little more quiet. He leaned over the bar. “Two shots of tequila.”

“Are those for you?” Lacy asked, warily.

“No, we’re going to do a shot and then we are going to return to the dance floor. You desperately need to loosen up.” He brought his head down until he was at her eye level. “This is just a faster margarita. Between the dancing and water, you’ll be sober by the time we head home. Promise.”

The bartender put the shots down and a small plate of limes with a saltshaker. Jonah handed her a shot.

“Have you done a tequila shot before?”

She shook her head, still looking wary, as she lifted the shot to her nose. She recoiled at the smell. “I think I like margaritas better.”

“If you drink a margarita, you’ll just have to use the restroom more.”

She glanced at the dance floor and took a deep breath before meeting his eyes. She gave him a quick nod.

“Lick, shoot, suck.” Jonah grabbed the saltshaker. Her eyes widened. “Hold out your hand.”

Jonah licked the back of his hand and put salt on it. Lacy followed his example.

“Okay, we’re going to lick the salt, shoot the shot, and then suck the lime. You ready?”

Her brown eyes met his and they were full of trust. She nodded.
