Page 37 of Not Quite Roommates

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His deep chuckle followed her and she thought about what she said. Of course he knew she meant the food sounded good and not the shower together, right?

As she closed the door, she glanced at her outfit for tonight. She didn’t want to mess it up with dinner, so she pulled out a pair of pajamas to slip on. This one had frogs kissing on it.

When the buzzer sounded, she went into the living room to let the delivery person up. Her hair still wrapped in a towel, she thanked the delivery person and took the food to the table.

The bathroom door opened and steam billowed out preceding Jonah. With a towel hanging on his hips, he held up his free hand. Her gaze lingered on his muscles and that towel. “I’ll be just a minute.”

With a dry mouth, she nodded and went to grab a couple of bottles of water. When she returned to the table, Jonah walked out of his room wearing a pair of jeans and again no shirt. His damp hair was slicked back. Her heart skipped a beat or two.

She pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips. “How would you like it if I walked around topless?”

“I’m all for that.” He gave her a cheeky wink.

She realized what she said and chuckled even as flames licked her cheeks. She dropped into the chair and put one foot up on the seat.

“Besides I already ruined one shirt today.” His hand stroked over his chest. “This is much easier to clean.”

Lacy swallowed and focused on opening her water bottle. “That’s why I put on my pajamas.”

He smiled and joined her at the table. He leaned close and his ocean scent washed over her. His fingers touched the hem of her pant leg that rested on the chair. “Frogs?”

As he straightened, she released her breath. “Frogs.”

“Have you been to Fire before?” Jonah grabbed a box and opened it.

“The nightclub? No.” Lacy found her noodles and grabbed one of the forks. “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I don’t go out much.”

Jonah chuckled. “I had a feeling.”

“Have you ever been?” Was that where he went last weekend and brought home Candy?

“No.” Jonah drank his water. “Do you ever go out?”

“When we all first moved into the apartment.” Lacy took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. “Do you know what it’s like to go out with someone like Sophie or Brenda?”

He shook his head and kept his eyes locked on hers. It was a little too intense, but he seemed interested.

She started to tear her napkin into little pieces. “They are beautiful and well put together. Guys would flock to them and every now and then one of the guys would notice me, but not because of me. They thought if they were nice to me, Sophie or Brenda would want to date them.”

She tried to smile it off, but she knew from Jonah’s look she didn’t quite pull it off. “It didn’t matter. I stopped going out with them. I stopped trying to date guys who would never be who I wanted them to be and let my fantasy life have free rein. Ergo, Logan.”

Jonah put his hand over hers, stopping her from mutilating a second napkin. Blushing, she pulled her hands away from his warmth.

“I know Logan isn’t perfect. I know it’s a long shot he would want someone like me. But. . . .” She shrugged. “I can try, right?”

Jonah didn’t say anything as he took another drink.

“Enough about me. Do you think you’ll bring someone home tonight?” She looked down into her noodles when she asked. She didn’t even know why she asked. It wasn’t any of her business and he’d likely keep it in his room this time. She just couldn’t handle him looking at her with almost pity.

Crap. She remembered she’d asked him before at the office. Heat flooded her cheeks. What if he got the wrong idea?

“Hoping to bring you home tonight.”

Her gaze shot up to his. He had a teasing smile on his lips. Not a hint of pity.

“Well, thank you. I appreciate it, but if you want to. . . you know. . . . I can make myself scarce. . . at least when we get here.” She waved her fork around like it was a magic wand when she spoke, killing all the awkwardness. She set it down and grabbed her water to drink.

“I’ll let you know as the night progresses.”
