Page 33 of Not Quite Roommates

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The dress was actually quite short. Her long legs were completely exposed and her legs were amazing, which was one of the reasons he’d picked it.

She narrowed her eyes at him and then followed where his gaze had settled. “Oh my God, you can almost see my underwear.”

She escaped behind the curtains.

“Underwear is sexy.” Jonah chuckled as he leaned against the wall. Suddenly aware that she stood behind a flimsy curtain in only her underwear. He’d seen her in only a towel. He’d also seen her panties hanging to dry. But he hadn’t seen Lacy in just her panties.

“I need something to go over my underwear and still be sexy.” Lacy’s voice was muffled and he wondered if she was putting something on or taking it off.

The store hadn’t been busy and everyone else was somewhere up front, not near the changing rooms. No one would know if he slipped in there with her. What would she do? Fluff up indignant and force him out or would she bite that lush bottom lip of hers with those eyes darkened with longing. . . .

He shook off his lustful thoughts. He should have never agreed to this. Keeping his distance had kept his desire for her banked during the week, but holding her last night and spending time with her today had stoked the fire into a burning flame. Tonight would be a trial by fire and he would get burned.

Lacy needed someone to be here for her. Not a guy who felt untethered and lost. Not a guy who grabbed onto an opportunity to find something to hold him and make him feel a part of something. Not a broken man like him.

The fire adequately banked again. He managed to distance himself a little from her as she continued to try on outfits. The next few outfits were all no’s from either him or her or both. They either didn’t fit right or just didn’t do Lacy justice.

She came out again. A pair of tight jeans hugged her curves. The top was a high-necked crop top in a soft green color. Between the low cut of the jeans and the crop top, her stomach was bared. Trim waist, slight curve to her belly. If she were his, he’d have a tough time keeping his hands off her exposed skin in this outfit. He flexed his hands. Her hands tried to cover her stomach from his eyes.

“What do you think?” he asked her. She seemed horribly uncomfortable and it was obvious.

“Skin is sexy, right?” She glanced down at her belly button and winced before crossing her arms over her stomach. Her cheeks flushed pink and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

He stood and crossed over to her. He turned her around to face the mirror and drew her hands away from her stomach, holding them out to her sides. He met her gaze in the mirror. “Is this a sexy look on you? Fuck yes. But if you aren’t comfortable, you won’t be confident.”

“But I’ll be sexy?” Her arms remained out to the side because he hadn’t dropped them. He ran his gaze over her in the mirror because he could and he wanted to. He wished he could run his hands over her, but that wouldn’t be smart.

“Let me tell you a secret.” He released her hands and stepped closer until a breath separated his front from her back. Heat radiated from her body, stirring his desire hotter.

She gazed up at him in the mirror with her huge brown eyes wide. Her arms wrapped around her middle, but she leaned into him a little, listening.

“Confidence is sexy, and if you aren’t one hundred percent confident, you won’t be sexy even in your underwear.” He stepped away, more for his own mental health than anything else. He gave her a thorough once-over. “But you are sexy no matter what you wear.”

“You’re just being nice.” She tried to head into the changing room.

“I’m rarely nice, little bird.” His words stopped her. “I don’t believe in handing out compliments so someone will feel better about themselves. When I say you are sexy, I mean it. I’m not sure why no one else sees it, but I do. In your weird little pajamas or your work clothes, you are sexy to me. Every. Fucking. Day.”

She bit her lip and held her breath.

He didn’t know if she believed him or not, but he’d said his piece. Not that he’d do anything about it. She needed to find a nice guy to settle down with, not someone who would leave. “Go find something you like to try on next.”
