Page 22 of Not Quite Roommates

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Fuck. He still couldn’t forget the sight of her wide eyes darkened with desire while watching him, or the hints of perfect golden skin he’d caught glimpses of. Especially this morning in only a towel. Lacy might not be overtly sexy like Candy, but there was definitely something about her he almost couldn’t resist.

Almost. Because he knew better. Lacy wasn’t the kind of woman you hooked up with. She was the kind you kept, and he wasn’t the keeping kind.

She was sweet and a little sassy. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to, but he couldn’t make a habit of spending time with her. He already thought about her spread out on his bed with only those skimpy panties on. Her eyes dark with desire for him. Best to back off and keep to his plan.

* * *

The week had definitely beenodd for Lacy. Tuesday to Thursday had been like any week, just with the addition of Jonah. Thankfully they’d figured out mornings, and that first morning traffic jam in the bathroom never happened again. Evenings, Jonah retreated to his bedroom.

But they rode to work and home together because it made sense. Lacy entered the breakroom on Friday morning not even a little frazzled from sitting next to Jonah on the way to work. That weird feeling when she was close to him hardly even registered now. Finally, she could fall into a routine.

Except this weekend meant he might go out and she might be subjected to more free live porn. Her cheeks flushed.

“Hey there.” Logan’s voice woke her up and she glanced around the breakroom to find they were the only ones in it. “Looking a little dazed and confused this morning.”

“Morning.” She managed to get out. She hadn’t even been able to start flirting with Logan because of Jonah. Jonah working here had distracted her from her goal. She glanced at the coffee mugs. She almost asked where Claire was, but that would be weird, right? Just because she was usually there didn’t mean she should always be there.

He pulled a coffee mug down and held it out to her. “Just waiting on the coffee to finish brewing.”

She took the mug and nodded, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. This was her chance. Oh, crap, what did she talk to him about? How did she flirt with him? What even did they have to talk about? She’d only heard him talk about sports with Claire, and Lacy knew nothing about sports. Find common ground, that had been advice on all the websites, but how did one find common ground? What if they didn’t have any common ground? What if they had nothing to talk about?

“Ready for the weekend?” Logan asked. His lips curved into a soft smile.

Lacy nodded and watched the coffee drip, trying to come up with actual words to have in a conversation. “You?”

“Definitely. I can’t wait for happy hour tonight. Might try to convince Jonah to join me on Saturday night. There’s this new club downtown I’ve been wanting to scope out. You guys are roommates, right?”

Her heart beat in her chest so hard she thought he might actually be able to see it. This definitely qualified as an actual conversation. Not work-related. “Yup.”

“You should both come.” He turned to the coffee as it finished brewing, which was a good thing because he would have seen the shock on her face before she hid it. Going to a club would definitely be outside of work. She just had to keep her cool and not freak out. Because she was totally freaking out.

“Maybe.” She managed to get past her internal squeeing. She’d practically turned into grrr Jonah with one-word answers.

Logan held the coffee pot to fill her cup. “Claire and I usually go to this bar to watch the game, but I could see if she wants to come to the club too. I know he’s not technically new to town. Jonah’s been here before, but it’s not like he stayed here long enough to make friends.”

Unless Candy counted as a friend. Lacy took a sip of her coffee and just nodded. Maybe Candy was a friend. Would Candy be considered a fuck buddy? Maybe she should ask Jonah. He’d been distant the past few days. But that was the grrr Jonah way. A smile tugged at her lips.

The door opened behind her.

“Hey, I was just telling Lacy you two should come to the club with me and Claire on Saturday.” When he said it that way, it almost sounded like a really awkward double date. Maybe she should clarify to Logan that Jonah and she weren’t together together. Just temporary roommates.

Lacy turned to face Jonah who had on one of his fake smiles. That was the other thing Lacy had been occupied with all week: figuring out Jonah. Instead of flirting with Logan, she’d deciphered that Jonah had real smiles and fake ones, and this one was so fake. She started to smile, but then realized he planned to tell Logan no.

This was her shot with Logan or at least a shot at getting him to notice her. He had to say yes. No way would Logan invite Lacy without Jonah.

“I don’t—” Jonah had gotten down his coffee mug and looked at her. His smile fell a little. She probably looked a little desperate, but she didn’t care. She was desperate. This was going out with the guy she liked. To a club. Together. Yes, with other people, but still. . . .

“It’s okay if you can’t, man.” Logan started toward the door.

Lacy mouthed “please” to Jonah.

Jonah closed his eyes and said, “That sounds great. We can talk logistics at happy hour.”

“Fantastic,” Logan said. “I’ll check with Claire.”

The door shut.

“Thank you.” Lacy grinned and went up on her tippy toes. “I can’t wait to tell Beth about this.”
