Page 15 of Love Me Not

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Iwatch the plane as it comes in and a wave of anxiety washes over me. I pace back and forth nervously waiting for the passengers to disembark.

The moment I see him standing there, his bag clenched tightly in his hand, I do the only thing I know to do. I rush over and wrap my arms around him. This time, something about his embrace feels different. Different…in a good way.

Neither of us knows what to say at first. I notice the bags underneath his eyes, and I reach up to brush the pad of my thumb across his cheek.

“David—” I begin, but he doesn’t give me a chance to say anything more before pressing his lips to my own.

One year later…

David walks up behind me and wraps his arms underneath my swollen belly. It’s hard for me to fathom where we were a year ago versus where we are today.

The fluttering sensation is back, and I can’t help but wonder if the baby knows it’s his daddy’s hands. Standing along the shoreline, the water is almost glasslike in its appearance.

David weaves his fingers through mine and together we walk hand in hand along the shoreline. “Well, have you given it any more thought what we should name the baby?” Earlier in the week, we did a small gender reveal celebration with a few of our closest friends and family.

I grow silent as I contemplate whether or not I should tell him what’s been going through my mind. Picking out the right name is crucial and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

“Tori?” he says my name again.

We come to a stop, and I turn to look deeply in my husband’s eyes. “I have. I just hope you’re in agreeance with me.”

“Baby, you know I’ll be happy with whatever you come up with.”

“But I want us to agree on this together. And if you don’t like it, we can—”

David presses his lips to mine, and I lean into him. I never expected I could feel this way about someone again. Falling in love one time in your life is one thing, but to be given a second opportunity is truly amazing. Tracing his finger along my cheek, he whispers, “are you going to tell me or am I supposed to guess?”

“I’d like to name our son Kyle…if that’s okay with you.”
