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Shrugging, I replied, “The early squirrel gets the nut, or however the saying goes.”

“Youdefinitelydid that,” Lance responded teasingly, making me shoot a playful side eye his way as I moved from the bathroom to grab some clothes to put on. And for whatever reason, that came as a surprise to Lance who frowned when he asked, “You getting outta here already?”

“Yeah, I need to go collect some more nuts,” I answered, his“What?”and my“Wait.”colliding as I immediately started giggling when I explained, “Not like that. I meant, I have a few things I need to do before I go to work. Things that don’t involve actual nuts.”

Releasing a sigh like he was legitimately relieved to hear it, he replied, “Good to know,” his response making me shake my head amusedly as I finished getting dressed. And after waiting for Lance to do the same, we relocated to his kitchen where he very casually -and very randomly- asked, “What you want for dinner tonight?”


The fact that it was barely six in the morning only made his question even more confusing until he explained, “The chef is coming through to restock my fridge for the week and then cooking up somethin’ fresh for dinner. So what you wanna eat?”

“Wait. Let’s back this up a bit,” I responded, grinning as I cocked my head to the side and asked, “Who said I was having dinner with you tonight?”

“I did.”

“And how do you know I don’t already have plans?” I challenged, Lance taking a step closer towards me to ask, “Do you?”


“So have dinner with me tonight, Yani,” he replied, this time posing it as more of an offer and practically making it impossible for me to turn him down once he pressed a lingering kiss against my neck and whispered, “Please.”

With his lips and tongue on my skin, I couldn’t help but moan as I tossed my head back and admitted, “Your little healthy meals do be lookin’ kinda good.”

“I’ll have Chef make some extras for you,” Lance responded, dragging his tongue across the front of my neck to the other side and giving it the same attention as he started rubbing my pussy through my shorts. And when he slipped his hand beneath the fabric to touch what was already dripping with arousal from him fucking my mouth earlier, I had a feeling neither of us were making it out of his house any time soon; though I still attempted to warn, “Lance, you better quit before you end up late for your workout.”

“You said you still got nuts to get, right?” he asked, smirking as he gently started massaging my clit with his fingertip. Then he parted his lips on his way in for a kiss while also hooking two fingers inside of me, causing me to moan straight into his mouth once he pressed right up against my spot.

It was crazy how well he already knew my body, and even crazier how quickly I found myself riding his hand like there was no tomorrow. And I suppose because he knew we both had places to be, he expedited the process, kissing me hard and fucking me with his fingers until I came with a breathless,“Oh God…”

By the smirk on his face, I could tell Lance was pleased with himself as he slowly removed his coated fingers from my shorts. But instead of moving to the sink to rinse them, he slipped them straight into my mouth, groaning as he watched me suck each of them clean before bringing his lips back to mine for a tongue kiss that might’ve gone on forever if I hadn’t pushed him away with a giggled, “You really gotta get going.”

“You right,” he agreed, pressing another quick peck against my lips before asking, “Is seafood aight?”

“Seafood sounds great,” I answered with a smile that only grew once Lance leaned in to kiss my forehead. And even though I knew he was short on time as he frantically grabbed his stuff on his way to the door, I still couldn’t help calling after him, waiting for him to turn around just so that I could say, “Have a good day.”

“You too, Squirrel,” he responded with a wink before he slipped out of the door. And it wasn’t until I heard his engine revving up that I remembered I was supposed to be revving my own shit, the thought prompting me to grab my things and then use the key Lance had given me to lock up before I made my way to my father’s house.

Because of the hour, I really wasn’t expecting anyone to be awake. But with how well my day had started -and how well my weekend had gone- I shouldn’t have been surprised when I stepped inside and almost immediately ran into Trinity who looked up from her cup of coffee to ask, “What are you doing here?”

Instantly, I frowned as I responded, “What do you mean, what am I doing here? I live here.”

“But not for much longer, right?”

Her question made me let off a humorless chuckle as I answered, “Trust me. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t be here another day.”

“But itisup to you,” she insisted, taking another sip of her coffee before she added, “You just need to like, try harder or something.”

Try harder.

Try. Harder.

She’d really said that shit to me with a straight face like effort was the thing I was missing, her ignorance making me smirk as I sarcastically replied, “Wow. I never thought of that. Thanks, Trinity. I’m gonna go do that right now.”

Rolling my eyes, I finally headed for the stairs, smiling instantly once I made it into my room and saw a package I’d been waiting on sitting on my bed. And honestly, just the sight of it was almost enough to make me forget about that annoying ass interaction with Trinity as I used my keys to break through the tape and then pulled out the shoebox that I was actually kind of nervous to open.

Of course I’d seen the digital mockup of what the shoes looked like online, had spent hours going back and forth about the colors I wanted to use, and which patterns I wanted where, and what material I wanted the sole to be. But seeing it in person,being able to hold my design work in my hand, was an entirely different experience that had my heart racing as I removed the cardboard latch, used the tab to pull the internal box out, pushed past the protective paper, and literally gasped once I laid eyes on the most gorgeous pair of low top Air Force 1s I’d ever seen.

Obviously, there might’ve been some bias there since I was the one who’d designed them, automatically making them the best thing ever in my eyes. But something truly felt special about the blue void, smoke grey, and bright white sneakers with the rainforest green logo on the back, the finished product inspiring me in a way I hadn’t experienced since my days as an intern.
