Page 19 of Bride

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I grabbed the whole roll from him, tore off a huge wad and clamped it between my legs to catch the absolute monster load he’d shot inside me.

“Is this a joke?” I asked.

“Is what a joke?”

“You!” I replied. “A dick the size of a mountain and a load that would make Noah build another ark?”

Jay burst out laughing and stretched his strong arms up above his head. “I love your sense of humor. The guys I’ve been around these last five years…let’s just say I didn’t find myself smiling a whole lot.”

“I can’t even imagine what it was like for you,” I said sadly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Jay shook his head. “Later. I don’t want to bring the mood down.”

“Okay,” I smiled. “Do you have, like, a pair of sweatpants or something I can wear? I really don’t want to put on my wedding dress, even if it’s more like a wedding corset now.”

“The closet there,” Jay chuckled and pointed. “I doubt there’s anything that will fit you.”

“Haven’t you heard of boyfriend shirts?” I asked as I walked bowlegged across the creaking hardwood floor and opened the closet door.

“Sorry, I’m not a fashion expert like you,” he teased. I gave him a frown and plucked one of his working shirts off the rack and slid into it. It fit me like a dress—a very short, slutty dress, but a dress all the same.

I found my panties and slid them on and threw the paper towels away in the trash. Jay was still lounging on the couch like a sculpture of the ideal man. His dick wasn’t hard-hard anymore, but it was still thick enough to make my mouth water. It was lying up against his stomach, with the tip touching his belly button.

“Your dick…” I laughed. “Is absurd.”

“Absurd?” he protested. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“The good kind of absurd. You know, like when kids say bad but mean good?”

“Fair enough,” he replied. “Then your pussy is baaaad.”

I felt myself blush, which was silly. What did I have to be shy about after what we’d just done?

“Do you want a drink?” I asked, searching the cupboards for a glass. All I found was an assortment of coffee cups that looked like they had been sold to tourists. I settled on a smiling lobster with the MAINE logo popping off his head.

“Shouldn’t you call one of your servants?” Jay teased as I filled the cup with water.

“Excuse me, mister?” I sassed as I walked over to him. “Was that an unkind remark about my privileged existence?”

“I’m just saying,” Jay shrugged. “You must have one of them on call so you don’t have to actually do any real work.”

He was teasing me, and I suddenly felt like I was a little girl again back on the playground being picked on by a boy who liked her.

“I thought a man like you would want his woman waiting on him hand and foot,” I countered. “Isn’t that what tough guys like you want? A wife/servant?”

Jay reached out and snatched me by the hips and pulled me close to him, his eyes alive like fire.

“I want you,” he replied. “Any way that I can have you.”

I hadn’t been expecting that answer and quickly felt my eyes filling up with tears as he smiled up at me with all the love in the world. Not wanting to turn into a blubbering mess in front of him, I decided to deflect with a little humor.

I tipped the cup of water onto his head.

“Oh!” Jay cried out in surprise. I yelped and leapt back laughing but Jay jumped off the couch and came after me.

“No, no, no!” I laughed as he scrambled towards me, his hair soaked and dripping. “I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it!”

Jay grabbed my leg and pulled me to the floor. My heart was so warm it was ready to melt as he gripped me with his strong hands and tickled me, causing me to squirm all over the place as I tried to get away.

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