Page 17 of Unexpected Love

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I hurried outside and spied Layne’s black Mercedes idling at the curb. She rolled down the window as I approached. “Go inside and watch over them while I deal with the motherfucker next door.”

She nodded, rolled up the window, and shut off the car. I waited until she was inside before sprinting to Penelope and Mallory’s front door. It was unlocked, and I didn’t bother knocking. I found the little shit sprawled on the couch, drinking wine straight from the bottle, and watching…seriously? Was that porn?

I was staring at the back of his head and didn’t want to think about what I’d see if I went around the couch at that moment. “If you value your life, asshole,” I snarled. “I suggest you button up and get the fuck out of this house.”

The guy jumped and then squealed like a little girl. “OW! Fuck!” He kept complaining as he fumbled around before struggling to his feet and spinning around. His hand was gingerly rubbing his groin, and his face was twisted with pain. “Who the hell are you?” he snapped. “You can’t order me out of my girlfriend’s house!” His beady eyes narrowed, and he puffed with confidence. “Is this because of Penny? Did that little brat—”

He broke off suddenly when I took a menacing step toward him as I crossed my arms over my chest, making sure to emphasize my muscles. He visibly swallowed, his bravado wavering. “I’d be very careful what you say next.” My tone held a deadly warning that should have been impossible to miss.

Apparently, this guy was thickheaded because he kept spouting bullshit that was creating a red haze of fury around me. “Did she come tattling because I offered her a fucking drink? It’s not like I’d want to fuck that scrawny—”

I was officially at the end of my rope. In the blink of an eye, I was toe to toe with him, and my hand was wrapped around his neck. “I warned you to shut the fuck up. Now, I’m going to make you.” I squeezed hard enough to cut off his air supply, making sound impossible. Then I brought up my knee and rammed it between his legs with every ounce of my strength. His eyes rolled the back of his head, and before he passed out, I growled. “If I ever see you around Penelope or Mallory again, the damage I inflict will be permanent.” He nodded, then went limp, and I tossed him over my shoulder. Once we were outside the house, I opened the back door to Layne’s car and shoved the asshole onto the seat. Then I jogged to my door and went inside to find her standing in the foyer. “I put a load of trash in your car. Drop it at the police station. I have a feeling this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this.”

“Done.” Layne lifted her chin before stepping outside and shutting the door behind her.

I locked up, then slowly climbed the stairs to the next floor. Knowing Penelope was just on the other side of a flimsy door made it nearly impossible to trudge in the opposite direction. My bed looked cold and empty. Lately, that’s the way it felt, even when I was in it. Unless I was dreaming… Grunting in frustration, I told myself to stop being such a pussy and get some damn sleep. Tucker would be up again in a few hours.

I used the bathroom, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth before stripping off my clothes and stumbling tiredly to the bed. Just before I dropped down onto the mattress, it occurred to me that sleeping naked with Penelope in the house would be incredibly stupid. I dug around in my dresser until I found a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and dragged them on. Finally, I crawled into bed and begged for sleep to come quickly.

Chapter 7


I knew I was dreaming, but fuck it, I was going to let myself believe it was real.

“Penelope, you are so fucking beautiful.” She was laid out in front of me like an offering from the gods. Her wrists and ankles were bound to the four posters of the bed, putting her dripping pink pussy on display and showcasing her wide hips, so perfect for breeding. I licked my lips as my eyes dragged up to her flat belly that would soon be round and swollen, before moving up to her large, milky white tits, topped with dark cherry peaks. They were heaving with her deep, heavy breaths as she watched my open perusal with heavy-lidded eyes.

“Jonah,” she moaned.

I crawled over her and glared, giving her pussy a light smack. “No talking unless I tell you to, angel. You were a very bad girl yesterday and need to be punished.” My cock leaked, dripping onto her thigh where it hovered above. I slapped her pussy a little harder this time and grunted with satisfaction when she bit her lip to contain any sound. “Good girl,” I praised.

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