Page 11 of Unexpected Love

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I cleared my throat and attempted to smile, but it felt like I only managed a grimace. On top of that, the state of my arousal was quickly becoming uncomfortable. I needed to get my ass to my office.

To work. Not hide.

I opened my mouth to give her instructions about Tucker and, “You should wear more clothes,” was what I growled instead. Her eyes rounded with surprise, and her pretty little mouth formed an O. Fuck, I wanted to see those lips wrapped around my dick. Somehow, I knew she’d be an eager student, and it wouldn’t be long before she’d be taking my big, long cock to the back of her throat. Shaking my head, I stalked by her and tossed instructions over my shoulder. “He’ll need to eat when he wakes up. My office is on the third floor if he needs anything.”

Once I was in the relative safety of my home workspace, which took up the entire third floor of the house, I shut the door and leaned against it. I grunted as I adjusted myself and then huffed out a frustrated breath. Four months. Four months dreaming about my girl’s sexy body under me…or over me…in my mouth…fuck. There were so many things I was going to teach her. She may not want to go to college, but she’d be studying hard once she was moved in here. And I’d make sure we practiced her lessons frequently. I grinned at the thought of punishing my little angel when she didn’t do her homework. She’d be begging to come by the time I was done, but if she took her punishment like a good girl, I’d make sure she was screaming my name by the end of it.

With a sigh, I tried to focus on something else. Anything else. Clearly, I’d done something truly horrible in a past life to be put through this purgatory.

Sitting at my desk, I fired up my computer and logged in before opening the program that ran all my security and “nanny” cams. Penelope was curled up on the couch next to Tucker’s bassinet, reading a book. I stared at her for a while, cataloging her every movement. The way she tucked her auburn curls behind her ear every time they stubbornly fell forward. The way she chewed on her bottom lip as she read. The way her tits bounced just a little with every breath she took. She was so fucking perfect.

After an indeterminate amount of time, I finally minimized the cameras, though I didn’t close them. They were still visible as thumbnails at the bottom of my screen. I managed to submerge myself in work for a few hours and whittle down the hundreds of emails my assistant had vetted and felt I should address directly. I was a little surprised that I hadn’t gone to check on Tucker. We’d rarely been any farther apart than the next room since he’d become mine, and I didn’t like to hand over his care to anyone else. I wanted him to know I would always be there for him. However, when he was with Penelope, all my worries melted away. I missed him—them both, actually—but I didn’t feel the anxious need to check on him every few minutes. The only thing driving me to search them out on the cameras every so often was my complete obsession with Penelope and my need to be able to see her all the time. The drive to know where she was, what she was doing, and who she was with strengthened with every hour. Also, I enjoyed seeing her in my and Tucker’s space. She was going to fit perfectly into our life. The image of Penelope holding my son was burned into my brain, and when I thought about it, I felt a contentment that I’d never experienced before. She was a natural nurturer and would be an amazing mother.

As I pushed my chair back and stood to stretch, the scent of something delicious reached my nose, making my stomach growl loudly. She’d been puttering in the kitchen for about the past hour, talking to Tucker, who was propped in his infant high chair by the island. By the smell, it seemed she’d been making dinner. Smiling, I headed for the door to the staircase and took the steps two at a time until I reached the main level.

The kitchen was on the left side of the house, opposite of the staircase, and I wandered over to it, keeping silent so I could eavesdrop on the conversation she was having with my baby boy.

“You are such a sweet baby,” she cooed. I stopped at the door and moved into the shadows where I could watch her, but she wouldn’t notice me unless she was actually looking for me. “I hope I have a son just like you someday.” She leaned over and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him flail his arms in excitement and smile. Penelope’s laughter tinkled in the air, and her face flushed with happiness. “I hope I have a whole bunch of little Tuckers one day.” Her tone was wistful, and I couldn’t help but smile. She’d be getting her wish sooner than she thought, though I was determined to have a little Penelope running around first.

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