Page 48 of Brutal Bargain

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I snort a laugh. My life has become a movie—a thriller.

More like a porno.

I have to laugh, because as sad as that truth is, it’s funny. My life is a thriller-porno-comedy.

A muffled sound comes from up ahead. I know I should go back to my room.

Instead, I continue forward, my curiosity piqued.

Soft scrapes. A wail. The muffled sounds turn human. Someone else is in the garage, and it’s not Gage.

My blood runs cold. He keeps telling me he’s a monster, but how bad is he really?

I happen upon another door and press my ear to it.


Startled, I nearly fall to the floor. All at once, the feelings I have of safety and security shatter, replaced with dire foreboding.

What the fuck is going on?

My mind races, wondering why the hell there's a man begging for help. There’s no way Gage doesn’t know about him, which means he put him there…

He said he was a monster. You should have listened.

Every cell in my body is firing all at once. A part of me wants to run. To find a way up to the surface. To leave and never look back.

I can’t stay here. Not with what’s behind this door. I’m better off alone and not in the clutches of some psychopath.

But as I try to form a plan, a voice cuts through the darkness.

“What are you doing outside of your cage, Little Lamb?”

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