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‘That day on the island—our wedding day—’

She turned to face him, waiting silently for him to finish his thought.

‘It was hard. Nothing about marrying you quickly, in secret, away from loved ones, felt like what I wanted. Making you my wife, yes. But like that?’ He shook his head, and then reached into his pocket, pulling out a black velvet box. Hannah’s eyes dropped to it, her smile transforming her face.

‘So I would like to ask you again, Hannah, if you would do me the honour of becoming my wife. I love you with every single part of me. My heart and soul are, and always will be, yours.’ He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to her inner wrist. ‘You brought me back to life and made me myself again. But better, because you’ve taught me so much about compassion and love, respect and patience. You are so much more than I deserve.’

At that, she shook her head silently, because her throat was filled with tears and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get any sensible words out.

‘But I will spend the rest of our lives, however long that may be, striving to be good enough for you, agape mou.’

Hannah sobbed then, as he handed the ring box to her.

She hadn’t loved her engagement ring—it had been so enormous and flashy. But she’d come to love it because it had promised a future with Leonidas. She cracked open the box and smiled, because it wasn’t even the same ring.

Instead there was a single diamond, still large but not break-your-finger huge, surrounded by a circlet of emeralds.

‘It’s beautiful,’ she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

‘Two weeks after you left the island, I was in Athens. I saw it in a window and bought it without even realising what I was doing. I have been carrying it around ever since, as though it made you close to me in some way.’ His smile was rueful. ‘I told myself I could give it to you as an “I’m sorry” gift, if nothing else. But in my heart, I imagined you wearing it on this finger.’ He ran his hand over hers. ‘And wearing it as a promise to become my wife, to live this life by my side.’

She sobbed then, and held her hand out, so he could slide the ring onto her finger; it fitted perfectly.

‘And this is my promise to you,’ he said gently, fixing her with a look that seared her soul. ‘I will love you and cherish you, be faithful to you, care for you, protect you, adore you and worship you for as long as we both shall live.’

Hannah nodded, still too choked up to respond with words. And really, what words were needed? They’d said all that was necessary and, more importantly, each felt the truth of their declaration, deep inside their beings—and always would.

The only thing left was to marry, and to live happily ever after.


‘I KNOW YOU said you wanted me to see the world, but this is more than I ever imagined.’

‘Do you like them?’

Hannah gave her husband a droll look before turning back to the golden vista beneath her, her green eyes taking in the flat expanse of the Egyptian desert before focussing on the familiar peaks of the ancient Pyramids. The helicopter hovered at a distance, giving a perfect vantage point over them.

‘They’re stunning,’ she said simply. Because they were. It was hard for Hannah to say which of the countries they’d visited in the past eighteen months was her favourite. They all had a special place in her heart, and for different reasons. Going to a special opera performance at the Coliseum had been incredible, a private tour of the Pantheon had taken her breath away, exploring New York with Leonidas by her side, coming to know his Greek island as though she were a local, snorkelling off the shore, swimming in the pool, learning to speak his language and enjoy his food—it had all been remarkable: but all the more so for having Leonidas by her side.

And though she’d planned to wait to tell him her news, with the ancient Pyramids glistening beneath them, a tes

tament to humanity’s strength, intelligence, and determination, Hannah felt the words burst out of her.

‘I got an email two days ago.’


She nodded, pride making her eyes sparkle. ‘My application was accepted.’

‘Your application...?’

She nodded, excitement a thousand arrows darting beneath her skin. ‘Law school.’

Leonidas’s smile transformed his face and Hannah’s heart clutched at the sight. Love was a lightning bolt, yes, but it was also this—a genuine, complete desire to see your loved one succeed in life. Leonidas had been Hannah’s champion, he had supported her, overcome her doubts when she’d worried she wouldn’t have what it took to apply for her degree, and then when she’d doubted she’d be able to meet the study schedule.

He’d moved all the pieces effortlessly so she could apply, and still be hands-on with their daughter, Isabella.

Her dreams had become his dreams.

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