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‘Don’t you think?’ she asked him.

His eyes met hers and they were back on the beach, just the two of them, his body inside hers, his strength on top of her.

‘It is.’ He nodded, hesitation in his tone. ‘But you do not have to decide now.’

‘Of course not,’ the jeweller agreed. ‘I can leave the tray, if you would like to try each for a time?’

Hannah’s head spun. Each ring had to feature a diamond of at least ten carats. What must the whole tray be worth?

She didn’t want to spend a week prevaricating over which enormous diamond she’d drag around. She just wanted the jeweller to go. She wanted Leonidas to go. Her head was spinning; it was all too much.

We are a one-night stand we can’t escape.

He was right, and yet she rejected that description, she recoiled from it with everything she was.

‘That’s fine.’ She shook her head, the beginnings of a throb in her temples. ‘This one will be fine.’

She wanted to be alone and perhaps it showed in her voice, because Leonidas was nodding his slow agreement. ‘Very well. Thank you for coming, Mr Carter.’

The jeweller left and Hannah watched the helicopter lift off from the cool of the sitting room, taking him from the island and to the mainland of Greece, the sun setting in the background, casting the beautiful machinery in a golden glow.

The day had lived up to the morning’s promise. Heat had sizzled and Hannah, having spent so much time preparing for what lay ahead, wanted to simply relax. She’d spied a pool in her explorations the day before and she thought of it longingly now.

‘Greg Hassan is scheduled to sit with you today,’ Leonidas said as he entered the room.

Hannah’s temples throbbed harder. ‘Who?’ She failed to conceal her weariness.

‘Head of security at Stathakis.’

Hannah’s throat shifted as she swallowed. ‘What do I need to see him for?’

‘There are protocols you will need to learn.’ He was tense, as if braced for an argument.

‘I thought you said this island is far from the mainland, inaccessible to just about anyone...’

He tilted his head in agreement. ‘This island is secure, sigoura. But there are still protocols to follow and there are always risks.’

His fear was chilling. But it was also very, very sad. She saw the tension in his body, and she wished there were some way she could take it away for him, that she could tell him everything was going to be okay.

She didn’t know that it was, but she knew you couldn’t live looking over your shoulder.

‘Can’t you just go through the security stuff with me?’

‘You will need to have a relationship with Greg,’ he said firmly, his eyes roaming Hannah’s face. ‘He’ll coordinate your movements, and our daughter’s, arrange her security detail as she gets older.’

Panic flared inside Hannah. It was all too real and too much. To say she was overwhelmed was an understatement. ‘Do you mind if we don’t talk about that right now?’

His expression shifted. ‘Your safety is important.’

She nodded. ‘I know. I’m just—well, I’m worn out, to be honest.’

Concern flashed in his expression. ‘Of course. You must be, the day was full and in your condition...’

‘It’s just a lot to take in.’ Her smile was more of a grimace. ‘I thought I’d go for a swim and just let it all percolate in my mind.’

‘Fine.’ He nodded. ‘I’ll ask Marina to prepare a simple dinner for you, for afterwards.’

Hannah nodded, unable to express why her stomach was swooping. ‘Thank you.’

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