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‘It’s not as simple as that,’ I say, biting down on my lip.

‘Why? God, don’t tell me Gareth’s reared his bastard head?’

‘No.’ I shake my head. ‘It’s not Gareth. It’ know that hot American from the other night?’

‘Jaggerrrrrr.’ She purrs his name and my pulse threads through me.

‘He’s also my very, very cashed-up potential investor.’

‘Shut up! He is not!’

‘Yeah, he really is.’

‘So you slept with him and now you’re trying to get him to buy a multimillion-dollar property?’


‘I did not see that coming.’

‘You and me both.’ I tighten my fingers around the railing.

‘He’s up there with you now?’

‘Not right now,’ I mumble.

‘But he’s on the island. And you’re staying in the same hotel?’ Penny laughs. ‘Well, that’s just the gift that keeps on giving. I hope you’re taking full advantage of that fabulous body of his...’

My cheeks feel warm. ‘He’s my client.’

‘And you’re two consenting adults. What’s the problem?’

‘I... There’s no problem.’ Except there is. I can’t put my finger on it but something feels... I don’t know. Complicated.

‘You sound worried. Is he giving you a hard time?’

I shake my head, smiling a little because I wonder if Penny would leap straight onto a flight and come to my rescue if he was. ‘He’s great. He’s...’ Really great. He’s charming and funny and smart and I love spending time with him. Danger lurks on the peripheries of my mind. ‘I think it’s going well. I don’t know if he’s going to buy it, though.’

‘I thought he was pretty much a done deal?’

‘Yeah.’ I nod jerkily. So did I. ‘But you know, nothing’s definite until it’s all signed.’

‘You’re great at this. If he’s not convinced, convince him.’

‘I’m trying.’

‘Use every tool at your disposal,’ she jokes—and I know she’s joking, but protective hackles rise in my body. The memory of his face when he told me how his ex-wife had seen him only as a bank balance fills me with rage. I could never do that. He has to decide what he wants to do with this place, and it has to be based on his own business interests. I can’t pressure him or force him.

I can’t do my job. Not effectively.

My stomach drops because I was an idiot to think I could keep business and pleasure separate, to think this wouldn’t somehow bleed into our working relationship. We’ve been sleeping together a few days and I know I can’t ever have him wonder if I took advantage of this.

‘Listen, Gracie, make the most of him while you’ve got him. The property stuff will sort itself out. Relax. Don’t overthink this.’

I murmur my agreement with no intention of listening to her. I should have thought it over sooner—I should have realised there was danger here.

A knock sounds at my door. I turn to look into the hotel room in time to see Jagger pushing the door open and my chest hurts like it’s been cracked open, right down the sternum.

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