Page 63 of Bedded by a Playboy

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‘Ali does.’

Monroe’s head jerked up.

‘Jessie phoned last night to make sure we weren’t worried about her.’

‘Where is she?’

‘I don’t know. Jessie asked Ali not to tell me. I guess she figured I might tell you.’

Monroe’s shoulders slumped. ‘How am I gonna find out, then?’

‘You’ll have to ask Ali.’

‘Are you kidding me? She won’t tell me. It’s a miracle you don’t hate me, but she must after what I did to her sister.’

‘Monroe.’ Linc huffed out a breath. ‘You are one stupid guy sometimes.’ He gave Monroe a wry smile. ‘Ali doesn’t hate you. She wants to see you and Jessie work this out as much as I do.’

‘Really?’ Monroe felt the first stirrings of hope since he’d stumbled out of Dr Carter’s office that afternoon. Maybe there was a small chance he might be able to pull this off.

‘Where is she, Ali?’

‘Monroe, Jessie told me in confidence,’ Ali said softly, cradling her sleeping son in her arms. ‘She didn’t specifically tell me not to tell you, but I think that’s only because she didn’t think you’d care.’

‘Damn it.’ The baby flinched, making Monroe soften his voice. ‘Sorry.’ He touched the baby’s head, and his heart stuttered at the soft, warm feeling before he stuffed his hand back in his pocket. ‘I have to talk to her, Ali. I have to at least try.’

‘I understand that.’ Reaching up, Ali touched his arm. ‘Sit down, Monroe.’

He plopped down on the sofa opposite her, his body rigid with tension.

‘Is it just because of the baby that you want to contact Jessie?’

‘No.’ The denial came so quickly, so forcefully, he knew it was the truth. He paused, though, and stared at the hands clenched in his lap. ‘No, it’s not just because of the baby.’

How could he make Ali understand what he had done, if he didn’t really understand himself?

‘I love her, Ali. I think I knew that even before Carter told me the truth. I was just too scared to admit it. I’ve always known I didn’t deserve her.’

He stood up, walked over to the window and stared out at the pool. The sight reminded him of the first time they’d met.

‘Why do you think you don’t deserve her?’ Ali asked quietly from behind him.

The note of incredulity in her voice made Monroe shake his head as he turned back to her. ‘Because I’m an ex-con. I’ve got no money and not a lot of prospects. The only thing I own is a Harley and the clothes on my back. And even if that meant nothing, even if we could get past all of that, I didn’t think I would ever be able to offer her kids. I knew how much she wanted them. How much she wanted a family. She told me that was her dream.’

Ali sighed, adjusting the baby in her arms. ‘You know what I think?’

He almost smiled, the clipped, precise note of irritation in her voice reminding him of Jessie.

‘I think you’re an idiot.’

‘Thanks.’ He did smile then, realising that he hadn’t just found a brother in the last few months, he’d also found a sister.

Getting up, Ali tucked the baby carefully into its crib before walking back to Monroe. The look she gave him was more annoyed than sisterly, though.

‘Firstly, you were little more than a child when you went to prison. Secondly, we know now that the baby-making thing isn’t going to be a problem.’ The look she gave him was direct enough to make his face heat. ‘As for the no money and no prospects, we both know that’s a load of rubbish, too.’

‘How do you figure that?’ Monroe raised his voice in exasperation. This was not the reaction he had expected.

‘Jessie told me about your artwork.’ He felt the flush deepen on his face as she continued. ‘Jessie knows art, she’s studied it and she’s convinced you could have a career as an artist. So I think if you’re worried about money and prospects, Linc has a friend called Carole Jackson who owns a very successful gallery in New York—you should contact her and let her take a look at the stuff you’ve been working on for the last two months.’

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