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Chapter Twenty-Five

Arden paced up and down the floor, glancing at his watch every other minute as they waited for Danica to be ready. He understood women took longer to get dressed, but this was cutting things close. He had donned his suit in record time, not wanting to miss the moment Danica revealed whatever dress Phi had chosen.

“Relax,” Phi ordered, sitting on the couch in an ornate suit that was worth more than any suit should have been allowed to cost. The damned thing had jewels sewn into the hem. Even Arden wasn’t so extravagant as Phi, but he understood why Phi wore it. It was part of his mask, and the royal family had to look royal. There was nothing more royal than wasted money.

Arden, in contrast, wore a maroon suit with embroidered design. There were no gems in the coat, and though it still cost a good amount of money, more than Danica would probably think was suitable, it was nowhere near in excess of what Phi’s was.

“Easy for you to say,” Arden growled, touching his hands to the weapons hidden on his body. He’d hide a few on Danica once she came out, too, but if she didn’t hurry up, they wouldn’t have time. “We’re going to be late.”

“I’m the Prince,” Phi replied, rolling his eyes. “I’m never late. I arrive at precisely when I mean to.”

“Have you been watching Princess Diaries again?” Arden teased.

Scowling, Phi shot him a look over his tablet. “Don’t knock Julie Andrews. Those are quality movies.”

Before Arden could shoot something back, Leia opened the door to the bathroom and stepped out. Arden stopped pacing and focused on where Danica would step from. Phi stood up from his seat and set the tablet aside, waiting.

When Danica Dyers stepped around the doorway and out into the room, Arden nearly fell over in shock. His mouth dropped open, but he couldn’t seem to get any words out. Phi, was likewise speechless, causing both of them to stand there dumbstruck.

“Well, don’t stand there like fools,” Leia chided them. “Compliment the lady.”

Danica blushed at Leia’s words and folded her hands in front of her, highlighting her strong shoulders more so. The dress was a deep red, the color of blood; how appropriate for the vampire team when they all wore shades of red. The dress hugged her lithe form, a long slit up the thigh making Arden’s mouth water. It sparkled when she moved, as if it had diamonds in the material. Knowing Phi, it could have been just that. The bottom of the dress shifted when she moved her weight over silver stilettos. Arden barely remembered to breath.

Phi snapped out of it first and stepped forward.

“My apologies. I just. . . you look stunning.”

Arden tried to speak again but he nearly swallowed his tongue until Leia smacked him upside the head hard enough to snap him out of it.

“Gorgeous,” Arden grunted, rubbing his head. He glared at Leia, who only winked at the clearly awe-struck fool. But his eyes couldn’t stray from Danica for long. “If we didn’t have somewhere to be, I’d take you out somewhere far better than this stupid ball.”

“It’s a gala,” Leia corrected. “And all three of you need to get there before they start sending someone after you. I’m going to the safe house now and I’ll watch you on TV.” To Danica, she said, “give them hell, dear. I can’t wait to see their faces when you win their silly race.”

“Be safe,” Phi ordered her, and Leia nodded.

“I’ll take measures and I’ll see you after you’ve won.” And then Leia was slipping out of the room, leaving them alone.

Arden immediately crossed the room and looped his arm around Danica’s waist, pulling her closely against him. “You look good enough to eat, little racer.”

“Likewise,” she replied, running her hand down his suit. She glanced at Phi and reached out her hand for him. When she touched her hand to his coat, her eyes widened. “Are those diamonds on your suit?”

Phi scoffed. “It’s not like there’s more on here than there are on your dress.”

Danica froze. “There’s what?”

* * *

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