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Chapter Twelve

Danica didn’t get on the plane. The time came and went, and she still found herself sitting on the steps of her RV, wondering exactly what she was doing with her life. She had time, so she knew it wouldn’t be a big deal, but it would probably piss off Arden and Phi. She hadn’t meant to make it a big deal, but despite her bags being packed, she hadn’t moved from the steps, instead watching the sunrise as if she’d never seen it before.

When the black car pulled up her makeshift driveway, she wasn’t surprised. After all, her phone had been ringing for the last hour. It was only a matter of time before they showed up.

Arden got out of the driver’s seat first, his brow raised at her RV and the sad state of it. She’d been neglecting it to give more money to the orphanage, so it looked worse than it was, but it irked her to see the distaste on Arden’s face. Just because he wore fancy suits and watches didn’t mean he was better than her.

“Stop looking at it like that,” Danica grunted, not meeting his eyes.

“It needs work,” Arden commented, and Danica leveled him with a look.

“Mind your own business, blood sucker.”

He didn’t seem to get offended by the words. Instead, the corner of his lips curled up just a hint as he strolled across the grass and leaned against the RV.

Phi climbed out of the passenger seat and closed the door behind him. Unlike Arden, there was no distaste on his face, only concern. He moved across the worn grass and took a seat in the rusty chair beside her. It squeaked when he sat, but even though it was far beneath him to sit in that chair, somehow, he made it look like a throne with his posture.

“Is everything okay, Danica?” he asked. She could feel his gaze on the side of her face, but she didn’t turn to look at him, not yet.

“I’m fine. I just needed to see the sunrise.” She bit her lip. “That sounds silly now that I’ve said it out loud, but something told me to just enjoy this view.”

Phi was silent for a moment before he nodded. “I understand the need. We have the rest of the day to relax, so we can sit here for as long as you’d like.”

“No, I’m ready,” she admitted, standing up and grabbing her bag. “I’m sorry you had to drive out here. I can pay you back for the plane ticket—”

“There’s no need,” Phi interrupted. “The money isn’t important. We will take the car back.”

Danica eyed the Aston Martin with raised brows. “It had enough room for three?”

Phi nodded. “Arden will ride in the back.”

Arden scowled. “If I’d known I was going to be punished for her missing the flight, I wouldn’t have come.”

“Poor baby,” Danica teased, something in her wanting to push his buttons, and Arden’s scowl deepened.

“Careful, speed racer, or I might forget I’m not supposed to bite you.”

Danica rolled her eyes and moved over to the car, her eyes tracing over the graceful lines some engineer crafted. The car was beautiful, a work of art really, and she’d never ridden in something quite like it. Reverently, she traced her finger along the line of the roof.

“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” Phi asked, a small smile on his face as he watched her.

Danica met his eyes. “She’s something alright. I’ve never seen a One-77 in person.”

“Would you like to drive her?”

Danica’s eyes jerked up to Phi’s. “This car costs over two million dollars.”

Shrugging, Phi held the keys up. “I’m sure you’ve realized money isn’t really an object, Danica. And if I trust anyone to drive her, it would be you.”

Danica hesitated. If she damaged the car in some way, she’d never be able to pay back that money, but Phi was right. He didn’t seem to care much about money. Either he was so filthy rich, a couple million was chump change to him, or he was just that careless.

“Drive the car,” Arden said, nudging her toward where Phi held out the keys. “You know you want to.”

Danica scowled at him, but she hesitantly reached for the keys Phi held out to her. He dropped them into her hand before she could change her mind and moved to take the passenger seat.

“Get in, prick,” Phi told Arden, gesturing to the very non-existent back seat. Arden would be cramped in a spot not meant for sitting.

“Asshole,” Arden grunted but he climbed inside and somehow folded his body into a space much too small before Phi took the passenger seat.

Danica stood next to the car holding the keys for all of three seconds before she opened the driver door and sunk down into the molded bucket seat. Even the material felt more luxurious than anything she’d ever touched. Phi didn’t say anything as she took a moment to study the dash and controls, her eyes tracing all the lines. Then she pressed the power button and the engine rumbled to life with a purr that gave her goosebumps. That was one expensive sound.

Arden’s legs were longer than hers, so she had to adjust the seat forward slightly and move the steering wheel. At least it gave Arden a little bit more room though he would have probably never asked for that room to begin with. Something told Danica that the “vampire” was much too proud to do such a thing.

“Navigate to home,” Phi said out loud and the car’s navigation screen flared to life, showing the direction Danica needed to follow. He turned to Danica and grinned. “Ignore speed limits. The cops will never be able to catch us, and I have immunity.”

“Isn’t it only like royalty and government officials who have immunity?” Danica asked but when she looked at Phi, his face was a mask. He didn’t answer and she shrugged. “Just asking. I don’t really care who you are.”

Phi’s eyes flashed before he nodded. “Follow the directions and let her loose.”

Danica grinned and turned the shifter knob. Fancy cars like this had upgraded to a shifter knob rather than actually being stick shift. Personally, she would have preferred the stick. There was something far more satisfying about going through the gears and feeling it slide into place versus the simple turning of a knob.

When she stepped on the gas, the back wheels spun, kicking up dust, before she shot onto the road and followed the GPS.

Danica smiled just a little bit wider despite heading to her possible death.

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