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THERE WAS A fierce debate going on when Mack walked into the lodge later that afternoon. He glanced at Bindi and then at Steve to see what they made of the scene in front of them. Aaron and Timmo sat at the main table, glaring at each other like stalking panthers.

“I think you should stay. At least until the wedding is over,” Aaron said, leaning over and banging his fist on the tabletop to emphasize his point to Timmo, who was sitting opposite him.

“And I don’t disagree with you, but Jake wants me back in Sydney. He has another case that he says takes priority.” Timmo leaned back in his chair, man-spreading, hands behind his head and looking as cool as a cucumber. While Aaron looked about ready to chew stone.

“This thing isn’t over, and you know it,” Aaron said, raking a hand through his already ruffled hair.

Of the rest of the Stormcloud team and the wedding guests, there was no sign. Perhaps they’d gone back to their duties, or perhaps Daniella had removed everyone from the room, so they weren’t party to this conversation.

Julie entered through the hallway off the kitchen. “Oh, thank God you’re here, Dad. Maybe you can talk some sense into Aaron.” She waved a dishcloth in his direction. “He’s being mulish about Shield Solution’s decision to recall Timmo. They seem to think the perpetrator has been caught, and we no longer need his services.”

“I can see why they’d believe that,” Steve said, walking over to join the other two men at the table. “Nash is almost of the same mind.”

“Except for the fact that Mutt didn’t cause the first accident,” Bindi muttered under her breath.

Mack agreed with her wholeheartedly. There might well still be someone else out there who meant either him or Bindi harm, namely Clarissa. But Mack wasn’t so captivated by the idea of Timmo staying as Aaron seemed to be. He wasn’t exactly sure how much good Timmo had done. It was Mack who’d first tackled Mutt to the ground, while Timmo had been too busy on his comms set. He hadn’t even suspected there was anyone else in the stables, and his mere presence certainly hadn’t dissuaded Mutt from coming onto the property, as it was supposed to. A bodyguard was a big waste of time, he decided. But he wasn’t about to utter his theory to the three men at the table. So, he caught Bindi by the hand and towed her toward the kitchen. They’d missed lunch with all the shenanigans going on, and his stomach was about to turn itself inside out.

Julie watched them walk past, giving an exasperated sigh. “Men. Why does everything have to come down to banging on tables?” She shook her head and flicked the dishcloth a few more times. “How’s the shoulder, by the way?” she asked, as she turned to follow them down the hallway.

“Not bad.” Mack rolled his arm over a few times. “The doc gave me a local anesthetic so he could put the stitches in, and I’m feeling no pain right now.”

“Ew, stitches. How many did you get?”

“Only seven,” he replied with a shrug.

“Only,” Julie quipped. “That’s not an only. That’s a goddamned battle scar, that is. You’re a warrior with a war wound. You leapt in a like a knight in shining armor to protect your woman. I’d call that pretty spectacular.”

“I’m not—” Bindi began to say.

At the exact same time, Mack said, “Yep, that’s me. A knight in shining armor.” He draped an arm around Julie's shoulders. “Anytime you need rescuing, darlin’, you just let me know.”

Julie gave a girlish laugh and slapped him on the arm just as they entered the kitchen. Mack stepped back and said, “But my stomach could do with some rescuing right now. We missed lunch.”

“Did you now?” asked Skylar, looking up from where she was julienning a pile of carrots. “There are leftover sandwiches in the fridge. I’ll make you and Bindi a plate each.”

“Thanks, that’d be great.” Mack pulled out a stool and planted himself at the island countertop, watching from the corner of his eye as Bindi did the same.

Bindi had been about to deny it. But he’d jumped in before she could finish her sentence, turning on the charm to re-direct Julie. The last thing he needed right now was Bindi being spooked by Julie’s over-anxious need to make everyone happy. He’d noticed a seismic shift in the connection between them recently. And he didn’t want to damage that fledgling relationship. It was too precious.

Even as he talked to Julie, bantering easily back and forth with her, he was assaulted by the image of Bindi lying on the ground, Mutt on top of her, driving the knife toward her chest. But in his replaying of the moment, he hadn’t been able to get to her in time, and the knife plunged into her chest. He shuddered at the thought. That moment had been an epiphany for him. All of a sudden, the only thing he cared about was saving Bindi. Nothing else mattered, not even his own security. Mack was self-aware enough to understand that he’d never been a very altruistic man. He was all for existing in the moment, live fast, die young and enjoy everything that came your way in between. He could never do what Timmo or Aaron did, put other people’s lives and wishes before his own. But in that moment, he would’ve given anything, so that Bindi lived. Which was an interesting concept, and one he needed to ponder further in private.

This change had been taking place over the past few days, but today had cemented it in his head. Bindi was worth more to him than he cared to admit. And he had no idea what to do about it.

He took the proffered plate of sandwiches from Skylar and gave her a wink, burying his innermost thoughts down deep. He’d figure it all out later. He hoped.

* * *

“Timmo’s leaving in the morning,” Bindi said, stalking into the staff shared lounge later that night. “Aaron couldn’t stop him from going.”

“Oh, well.” Mack shrugged from his spot on the sofa where he’d been watching TV because his mind wouldn’t stop whirling enough to let him get some sleep. He didn’t believe the station would be any worse off for not having the big brute of a man around anymore. But clearly Bindi didn’t hold the same view as she scowled down at him.

“How can that stupid boss at Shield say he’s needed back in town? Timmo has been here less than forty-eight hours. Even if they think they’ve got their guy, surely he should stay until the wedding, just in case.” Bindi stood, tapping her booted foot, and he couldn’t help but take an appreciative glance at her trim thighs and small waist, cinched in by her well-worn jeans.

He patted the sofa seat next to him. “Yeah, I see what you mean.” He didn’t want to outright disagree with her. “Come and sit down,” he requested, leaning back and giving her his best sultry smile. Alek and Sasha had already retired to their own rooms over half an hour ago, and he had the staff room to himself.

“It’s late. I’m on my way to bed,” she replied, her gaze shooting between him and the hallway behind her.

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