Page 29 of Broken Pawn

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She raised her head to look at me. "Who is the other guy? I see Uncle Fred, you, and your guard…"

"Paul, my brother," I replied, and the usual lump in my throat that occurredwhenever I mention him began to form.

She raised her head to look at me. "You have a brother?"

I could feel my muscles tense. "Had. The first time I enjoyed killing someone was when I avenged my brother's death. I slowly and painfully killed the bastard. And I'd do it again if necessary."

There was complete silence.

"But what is Anna's role in all of this? How do you expect me to feel if I don't know where she is or how she is? She must be terrified; evenI'm scared out of my mind."

"There's no need to be afraid," I said sternly. "You are now in my house. There is strict security. Nothing bad will happen to you here."

"That's not why I'm afraid," she said quietly. She shifted her gaze away from me and buried her face in her knees.

"Get dressed," I said.

She turned to me.

"I don't like repeating myself," I said.

I changed into a shirt and pants, andshe did too. I led her out of the room and down the stairs to the basement once we were both dressed. We passed by several of my guards, who all nodded sharply and greeted me.

We finally made it to the basement, and I unlocked the door. Even though the room was dimly lit, Vanessa recognized her friend right away. I watched as they hugged and sobbed in each other's arms. I withdrew slowly and closed the door behind them. I was aware that they needed privacy, and I had obligations awaiting my attention.

* * *


The room where Anna was being held was small, with a single dim bulb in the center. A table was in the far right corner, and a single bed was on the other side of the wall. The entire atmospheremade my skin crawl, and I wondered how Anna had survived here. She was sitting on the bed, a tiny blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Relief washed over me like a flood. I'd never been happier to see another human being. She appeared tired and strained, andI couldn't stop crying.

"Oh, I'm so happyto see you," I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm sorelieved you're okay. I was so worried," she wept into my shirt and then drew away from me. "Are you all right? He didn't touchyou, did he?" she asked with worried eyes.

I shook my head as convincingly as I could, even smiling at her. "No, no. He never touched me. Are you all right? Have they been kind to you?"

"They pretty much left me alone, which I don't think is a bad thing." But I could see the bags under her eyes,probably because she was unable to relax andsleep.

"Thank God they didn't hurt you," I said as I hugged her once more. "I'm truly sorry, Anna." I sighed and took a seat beside her. "I'm so glad you're okay." I took her hands in mine.

"I'm glad you are as well," she added while keeping a close eye on me.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Anna. I never told you, but Ethan was one of the guys in Room Thirteen that day. Ishould have listened to your advice and let one of the guys serve them. I've dragged you into this mess." Regret filled my heart.

Anna's eyes were filled with something resembling guilt, but the door opened before I could ask her about it. It was Ethan, and I was expecting him to tell me that my time was up. "You girls can go for a walk if you want."

Anna and I exchanged surprised glances before scrambling out of bed and towardsthe door. My friendwas the first to leave, and I was close behind. It was difficult not to look at Ethan as I passed by. I couldn't explain why his body was like a magnet. I knew, however, that even if my eyes were blindfolded and I was surrounded by thousands of people, I would sense his presence right away. My reaction to him was automatic, and the fact that I couldn't control it bothered me.

Ethan led us to a group of five heavily armed guards. "They'll go for a walk," he said, motioning his head. "Don't let them out of your sight for even a second." His men nodded curtly whilehe issued the command as if it were a threat.

We started our walk, and I looked around the house. The interior of this place was gorgeous, but it was a relief to be outside in the beautiful garden, despite the tall walls that surrounded us.

A strange ache between my legs reminded me of what had just happened between Ethan and me. He'd terrorized me at work, attacked Uncle Fred, kidnapped me and Anna, and yet I'd given him my body willingly, almost begging him. I had no idea what was wrong with me.

"Vanessa?" I was lost in thought when I heard Anna's whisper. "Do you think we can walk a little further away from the guards?"

"There's no harm in trying," I responded, hoping that we could find a safe haven somewhere.

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