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She had a point, but I didn’t want to tell her that the point was actually being made in my favor. I had thought about telling her about Zach and me seeing each other. She had always been open to non-traditional relationships, but with her comments about Zach having a crush on her, I knew I couldn’t.

If I did, she would make it all about her. She would think I decided to be with Zach because I knew they could have had a thing and I was taking it away from her. She would make it sound like I only cared about ruining her happiness and demand that I break up with Zach so that she could be with him. Even though Zach would not be interested in her, it wouldn’t matter to my mother.

“Why don’t you wait until after the divorce to consider doing that,” I suggested.

“The paparazzi can go stuff themselves. They don’t get to dictate what I get to do.”

“It won’t look good on you and will only make Charles look like the victim. You can’t have that. Not after everything he did to you. You need to show he’s the villain, and you can’t do that if he looks like he’s the jilted party.”

My mother let out a long sigh. “You’re probably right. I don’t think it would work out with Zach and me anyway. He’s too needy for me. I want a man who can stand on his own, and I don’t think Zach is capable of that.”

“Whatever you think is best, Mother.”

She knew nothing about Zach if she thought he was needy. I had never seen a less needy man in my life. Not that anything would happen with them anyway, and I couldn't believe I was even having a conversation with my mother about it.

Though her words made me feel a little bit better about Zach and me. If she thought she and Zach could date, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for him and me. Even less so. I couldn’t see her actually coming out and supporting us, but if the world found out about it, she would spin it to make herself look good.

It wasn’t something that I wanted to happen, and I still wasn’t sure what it would be like when Zach and I went to dinner that night, but I was looking forward to it. My mother was going to be her usual crazy, self-centered self no matter what I did. I couldn’t live in her shadow or worry about what she would do. If I wanted to go out with Zach, and I did, I had to let go of all my concerns and just go for it.

As I said goodbye to my mother, I knew that was exactly what I was going to do.

Chapter 12


I could tell by Victoria’s expression that she had been expecting something completely different when we pulled up to the Fish House. It wasn’t much of a place; it looked more like a rundown shack than an actual restaurant. But that was part of its allure and why I liked it so much. It didn’t try to be anything more than what it was, a great place to have a good meal.

The wood framing looked a little run down as if it could crumble at a moment's notice. There were only four parking spots right in front of the restaurant that hugged the cliffs overlooking the ocean. The sign that read “Fish House” above the roof looked like it had seen better days, and I wondered if the neon lights even worked.

“Is it safe?” Victoria asked as she got out of the car and looked at the restaurant.

“It hasn’t fallen into the sea, yet,” I teased as I held out my hand.

“That isn’t making me feel better about going inside.”

She didn’t take my hand, but I didn’t expect her to, even though I was hoping she would. I let the slight pass and walked next to her towards the entrance.

“Chaz will be so upset that you have such little faith in her restaurant,” I said.

“Do you come here often?”

“I’ve been coming here for a few years. I actually first found it when I had a client who wanted to buy the place. Told me money was no object and to work on Chaz until I could get her to sell. I came by a few times and ultimately got to know her and the restaurant. Once I did, I couldn’t in good conscience convince her to sell.”

“So, what did you do?”

“I worked with her to keep the place. Secured the land underneath the restaurant as well as the restaurant to be hers, and the rest is history,” I said as I opened the door for Victoria.

“That was kind of you,” Victoria said and smiled at me.

I wanted to tell her I had originally done it to stick it to the client who wanted to buy the restaurant. His plan had been to put a chain restaurant in, causing the restaurant and the location to lose all its charm. I had taken the job because I was young and hungry and wanted to make a name for myself and the big fat commission I would have gotten. Working with him had shown me what I didn’t want to do, who I didn’t want to work with. It had been a good learning experience for me and helped to shape me into the realtor that I was. I still worked with high-profile people, but I was more selective with how I did it. Or at least I had been.

Working with Chaz and then with Victoria reminded me why I had gotten into the business and the good I could do. It made me wonder if I should do the reality show or if I was just looking for more fame like my father had always done.

“Mr. Thomas! Welcome! It’s so good to have you back,” Hana, the hostess, said when she saw us.

“Hello, Hana. How are you doing?” I asked.

“Good. Good. I got an A on my OChem class.” She beamed at me.
