Page 4 of Something Blue

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She turns from me breaking the spell that seems to have settled on us. When both of us turn, we find the chairs her sister and the new guy were sitting in are empty.

"Shit, sorry." I apologize. I should have been helping her watch over her siblings better. I'm not sure why I feel like I should be doing this but I just understand I should be.

"No, you don't have anything to apologize for. This is...a lot…and my family, we're big and loud but we keep an eye on one another so, I should have paid better attention to...everyone." She waves her hands around. She doesn't have to make excuses to me about having a family. That’s something that even if they are loud and noisy she should be proud of.

"Yeah, but I told you to take the night off and trust me to make sure everything is alright."

She laughs, "I don't think that means you have to sacrifice your night for my family. Let me buy you a drink this time."

"That’s really not necessary. When I say I'm going to do something I do it. I told you to take a night off. That I will take care of things. And I meant it."

"Then let me thank you by buying you a drink this time."

We spend the next couple of hours swapping drinks and talking. Just talking. I take her out to dance once or twice but mostly we just sit around talking. We talk about everything. I even confide in her about my time in prison and my fears and worries about trying to find a life after I fucked mine all up. But it’s not just me dumping all of my fears on her. She keeps me laughing all night with little tidbits about the town and everyone in its dirty laundry. She seems to know everyone and every secret they have. She's not doing it maliciously, she's just telling me so I'll fit in better which makes me care for her all the more. Apparently, on this island, there are no secrets, and everyone shares everything that’s going on in their lives.

By the end of the night, I call Dirk to ask him if I can borrow his car to take Charlie home. There’s no way I'm going to be able to make sure she gets home safe on the back of my bike. She's too drunk for that.

It takes him a while to answer, "Can I borrow your jeep, man."

"Yeah, go for it. I was wondering how I was going to get it back home anyway?"

"Back home? You drove here." What the hell is up? And why can I hear someone in the background yelling.

"Yeah but I walked over to the station and used the patrol car to...go home."

Someone gives a shrill scream in the background.

"Take the jeep, keys are in the glovebox." Dirk hurries to get off the phone with me and I wonder if he did exactly what I thought he was going to do - kidnap his girl like an overblown caveman on an alpha high.

I stare over at Charlie waiting on me to take her home. I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I had a girl like Charlie teasing and tormenting me. Hell, for a girl like Charlie kidnapping charges would be worth it.

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