Page 5 of Something Borrowed

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Willa looks like she's about to say something when her eyes grow large with something like shock. A tall man is parting the dancers and heading right for her. "What the shit is he doing here?"

"Dance with me again." Before I can object to his request Reef has me back out on the dance floor.

Oh this is a bad idea. I'm sort of light-headed from the drink and I don't have the best track record with being graceful to start with. "I don't drink very often...ever."

"I see." I look back to see the tall guy pull Willa away from the table. "That's why you're hanging all over me. Because you don't drink."

Oh my God! He's right. I am hanging all over him. I try to put some space between us but he doesn't let me. He pulls me even closer.

"Oh no, don't get shy with me now. I don't mind and we're just about to get to the good part."

"Good part?"

He dips me once again. This time we are much closer than last time. His leg is between mine and his hands are close to the bottoms of my breasts, holding me tight. He slowly raises me back up and we stare at one another for a moment. If dancing is a metaphor for sex, Reef can blow a woman’s panties off right from the start.

"But if you don't drink much you're going to need water."

"What?" I'm so confused. I can't keep up with what's going on and I can't tell if it's because I suck at social situations or because I might be a tad bit tipsy.

"Water, so you don't get dehydrated."

He leads me back to the table to where Charlie and some new guy are sitting by themselves now. I think he’s the guy who moved here a couple of months ago and opened up a high-end bike shop right across from mom’s store. I’ve seen him around a couple of times. He seems to be really into Charlie. There's no sign of Willa or Hadden.

"You alright?" Charlie leans close to me to ask.

"Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm alright? Do I not look alright?" Damn, I wish I had a mirror somewhere.

Reef is the person who answers not Charlie, "You look beautiful. I think they're just worried about you being with me."

He said I was beautiful. Wait. Did he just say my sisters are worried because I'm with Reef? God, do they think I would do something to hurt Willa? Am I doing something that would hurt her? Why isn't Reef running after her and finding out where she went? “The James’ sisters are all like that.” Payton and Ford sit back down. Ford looking over at us while playing with Payton’s curl. “Causing people to worry. It’s why the hell I made Payton pick a Thursday night to have a bachelorette party. No way was I letting the weekend crowd get a look at my sexy little wife.” Payton smiles so happily that it makes me want to swoon a little.

"She's super innocent and doesn't need someone to toy with her heart." What the hell is Charlie talking about?

"It's not like that. It's not like that at all." Oh God, does Charlie think I'm trying to make a move on Willa's man? How could she think I would do something like that? Surely she knows I would never do that to Willa. I'm hurt that she would think I could do that. "We're just friends."

"We're more than that, sweetness." I turn to look at Reef. He's close. His chair is next to mine and his legs are spread wide around my chair like he's trying to keep me wrapped up. He's playing with the ends of my hair just like Ford was doing to Payton. "We're partners."
