Page 2 of Something Borrowed

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Chapter Two



"Back off Willa. She's mine!"

So much for having a good time in a place where no one knows who you are. Now I’ve got some big ass dude coming at me telling me to stand down where Willa is concerned. This is a fucking island for fuck's sake and I'm already causing a scene and getting into trouble. Willa is going to kill me. This was not what she had in mind when she invited me to her sister’s wedding.

"Man, you’ve got no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah I do. Willa James is mine! And you're going to call off the wedding and walk away."

The guy gets too close and I shove him back. He may be big but so am I. "Listen idiot," I'm not sure if this guy is drunk or just stupid, but either way I'm fucking over it. I own my own tattoo shop so dealing with big, drunk idiots is my usual Friday night. "I can't call off the wedding. You would have to talk to her sister and the groom to have the wedding called off. But just a little heads up, the groom has a gun and I don't think he's going to be happy about having to call off his wedding."

"What?" The guy finally starts looking like he might have some kind of sense rattling around in his head. "Willa's not getting married?"

"Fuck no! Willa....married." I start laughing. That girl’s never going to marry. She's too afraid of commitment. This guy doesn't look like it's funny though, so I try to stop and at least pretend this isn't fucking hilarious.

"I thought you and her were together."

"Willa?" Is this guy for real? "Eww, that would be like dating my sister. Gross."

The guy points at me, "Nothing about Willa is eww." He holds his hand out for me to shake. I stare at it for a while trying to tell if this guy is mentally unbalanced or not. "Peirce Haven."

I finally take the hand he is offering, "Reef Tripp."

"You own that tattoo shop downtown that everyone raves about, The Ink Well. I've been meaning to book an appointment." So do about a thousand other people but I'm not going to brag about it. We just stay busy and are damn good at what we do, that's all.

"What's your interest in Willa?" She's beautiful and this wouldn't be the first guy I've had to chase off.

"She belongs to me."

"She belongs to herself, dude." Crazy stalker fan. Damn, I hate these guys.

"You'll feel differently when you meet the woman you plan to spend the rest of your life with."

My eyes drift back to the table and the little brunette sitting with her sisters. Fuck, she has eyes so dark they remind me of Milky Ways. I have an addiction to Milky Ways. Like I can polish off a bag in one sitting kind of addiction. Don't fucking judge. I work out after. I just have a fucking sweet tooth for melted caramel. Like Willa's sister's eyes.

"Or maybe you already have." Fuck, got caught. I turn back to look at this Peirce guy. "Willa worked for me about a month ago. I asked her out and she said no."

Peirce Haven. Peirce Haven. The name sounds familiar. My eyes go round when I remember. "You're the one that's been sending the flowers and making her crazy."

He looks smug about it.

"I'm her roommate."

"I know." And by the sound of it, he’s not happy about it. I understand what it looks like, but I really do think of Willa as nothing more than my sister.

"Purely platonic, man. Like I said she's like a sister to me. I'm just happy she moved in with me when she did. I've had to chase away so many guys."

Peirce lets out a deep growl. If I'm reading this guy right he really likes Willa. It's not just the idea of banging a model or capturing something beautiful. He's got a certain look in his eyes that men have when they would cut off their own balls for the woman they love. Not in a sick kind of way since I realize there are probably men out there who would do that for Willa's attention. No, this guy is into her in a wholesome sort of way that doesn’t ruffle my big brother feathers up.

"I suppose I do owe you a great debt of thanks for keeping MY GIRL safe."

Yeah, he really likes her. This guy is some hotshot CEO that owns half of Manhattan and the other half of Los Angeles. He could have anything he wants but he can't have Willa. Is that what makes him want her?

"Man, I have to ask. Are you serious about her or is this just because she told you no?"

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