Page 12 of Something Borrowed

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“Hi. I thought maybe we could ride over to the restaurant together. I called Reef and he’s supposed to meet us there.”

“Oh,” I try not to let disappointment cloud my voice as I smile at Willa. It’s sweet that she wants to spend time with me. “That sounds great. Let me get my purse.”

We step out to the curb where a big black SUV is waiting for Willa. She slides in like she’s used to being chauffeured around all day long and she probably is.

“Peirce says that statistically, the backseat is safer than the front of any car, especially a car he isn’t driving.” She rolls her eyes. “He’s so dramatic sometimes.”

I can’t help but laugh. She’s in love with him too.

“I also wanted to check in with you and see how you and Reef are doing.”

“What? Why?” Does she think Reef shouldn’t be with me? Does she think we aren’t suited for each other?

"I brought him with me as a wedding guest because he just broke up with 'The Bitch'," She does her fingers in quote signs when she talks about the woman Reef was with, "I thought it would cheer him up if he came with me."

My heart takes a nosedive at her words. I can feel my heart breaking. I realize what this means with stunning clarity. She doesn’t have to go any further.

"So I was just...a rebound f...," I can't even say the word.

Willa's eyes widen, "Oh no! I don't think...," even as she tries to refute it there is a hint of doubt in her eyes. It is why she’s here with me now. To make sure I know what this is and that I don’t get my heart broken. She’s too late.

I interrupt her, "It's alright, Willa. I'm smart enough to realize the truth when I hear it." And I certainly don't want to be lied to by my sister to make myself feel better.

I'm a rebound lay. Something to use to get over the memory of someone else. It makes so much sense. It's why he didn't care how good I was or that I didn't know what I was doing. It didn't really matter - the sex - it was just something to do while he was on the island. A weekend fuck to get you back in the swing of things before you move on and search for your soulmate. I'm so stupid. People do this all the time. Everyone does it if you believe the sitcoms and HBO.

I turn to look out the window of the car thankful that this island is so small, and I won’t have to be trapped in this car with Willa and her sympathy for too much longer. How could I be so stupid? How could I think this was something more? How could he pretend like it mattered at all? Damn, he was good and I was a sucker.

Willa touches my arm with soft, cool hands. “I don’t think this is what you think it is, Teddy.”

Yeah, I got that from this conversation. I hold my hand up to stop her from going any further. “I’m aware of what it is, Willa. It’s alright. I’ll deal.” To show her I don’t blame her for letting me know I was just some weekend nookie I give her hand a squeeze even if I don’t turn to look at her.

As soon as we pull up I am jumping out of the car. All I have to do is get through Payton's wedding and this stupid dinner and then I never have to see him again. If I can stay busy and wrapped up in this wedding, I won't even realize he's here. I just have to make it through this weekend. Somehow.

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