Page 13 of When the Ice Melts

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“Caught his eye.” The girl sounded matter-of-factly confident. She grinned smugly and turned to wipe up a spill on the counter. “Believe me, Darius Payne does not look at many girls that way.” She shrugged a shoulder. “He’s kind of moody. Stand-offish, if you know what I mean.”

“He seemed friendly.” The words were out before Addisyn could explain to herself why she felt the need to defend him.

“I guess. He’s just different. Dreamy, though.” The girl batted her eyelashes.

Addisyn frowned. For some reason, the girl’s comments were seriously annoying her. “He said he comes in every morning before work.” It wasn’t so much an observation as a distraction.

“Uh-huh. Guess where he works?” Without waiting for a response, the girl answered her own question. “At iClimb Whistler.”

“What?” This girl was speaking a different language.

“iClimb Whistler. The climbing center.” When she saw Addisyn’s confusion still didn’t disappear, she added, “He takes groups climbing up Whistler Mountain. Every day.”

“Wow.” Addisyn looked out the window at the mountain with awe. She couldn’t imagine climbing it once, let alone several times a week. “That’s impressive.”

“Sure is.” The bell over the door chimed merrily, and the girl called a welcome to a young woman in a cream-colored cardigan. She smiled at Addisyn. “Enjoy your stay in Whistler. And hey, don’t forget about the job!”

As Addisyn stepped out of the shop into the cold air, she couldn’t help looking down the street for the man, even though she knew he was long gone. Oh, she wasn’t swayed by the flirty girl’s idle comments. It was just a weird feeling she couldn’t shake—Darius Payne wasn’t a stranger.

Somehow, somewhere, she’d seen him before.
