Page 106 of When the Ice Melts

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The woman promised to relay the message. Addisyn hung up after thanking Dorothy and leaving her cell number with her. Then she sat rigidly against the building.

It was 3:47 in the afternoon. She only had a few hours before dark. She took a deep breath and tried to collect her scattered thoughts. Slowly she stood, leaning on the building for support.Okay. It’s going to be okay. I will find her. Maggie will know. Maggie will call me. All I have to do is wait.

She looked up at the smoggy New York City sky—or the narrow stripe that passed for sky.God, please give me another chance.The tears spilled over, dripping off the edges of her face.Just one. I know I’ve blown it, but I need to see Avery. Please.

I remember your sins no more.

Addisyn took her first deep breath. The soothing comfort of the words seeped into her soul, saturating the dry and thirsty ground there. God promised second chances, right? Wasn’t that what He was all about? Then surely He would give her one this time.

She was as weak and shaky as if she’d just finished a skating competition. She marched out onto the sidewalk and held up her arm to flag a taxi.

Clearly Avery wasn’t in New York, and the city that had captivated Addisyn in her teen years felt like a tsunami now. So she’d return to the airport and get the next flight back to Vancouver. She’d wait in Whistler to hear from Maggie—in a familiar place with a job, beautiful mountains, and—Darius.

And if Maggie didn’t know where Avery was...

Addisyn straightened her shoulders and brushed her wayward tears away.If Maggie doesn’t know, I will still beat all the bushes to find Avery. I’ll visit every town in America if I have to. No, in the whole world.

And most of all, she would keep praying.

That the God of second chances would lead her steps to the sister she needed more than she had ever realized.
