Page 103 of When the Ice Melts

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The lobby, Avery had always thought, was just like Brian himself. Brilliantly sophisticated and incredibly fake. An artificial waterfall gushed down a lighted panel on the wall, cascading into a pool filled with smooth pebbles. Potted palms graced the corners. Soft music tinkled in the background.

“May I help you?” A middle-aged woman with dyed blonde hair removed her glasses and looked condescendingly at Avery. The receptionist desk was built of the same white marble as the floor.

“Yes, ma’am.” Avery had learned over the years that her respectful speech was not an asset in this cutthroat environment, but she’d never been able to train herself out of the habit. “I’m looking for Mr. Brian Felding, please.”

The woman gave her a long look, her mouth pinched into a straight line. “Are you one of his clients?”

“No, ma’am.” Why hadn’t she thought of this? What if she had to have credentials to enter? “I—my sister is.”But won’t be much longer, God help me.

The woman still eyed her warily but seemed to have no further excuse for stalling. “Very well. His office is on the fourteenth floor. Elevator that way.” She pointed over her shoulder. “He may be out of town, though. He travels a lot. I don’t keep up with his schedule.” She put her eyeglasses back on and stared at her computer screen. Clearly the conversation was over.

“Thanks,” Avery mumbled, but the woman pretended not to hear. Once she was safely inside the elevator, she let out her breath in frustration. What was wrong with people here, anyway? Of course, they lived in New York City. No wonder they were grouchy.

Fourteenth floor. Avery disembarked from the elevator and began wandering what seemed like miles of corridors. She smiled shyly at a few people who passed, but most seemed to be in a hurry and ignored her. A mezzanine she came to had a soft bench and floor-to-ceiling windows.

Avery didn’t have time for the bench, but she couldn’t resist big windows. She paused, staring out through the glass. Cars screeched by while skyscrapers stood guard. A big, messy place. And somewhere out there, Addisyn was in the city. Avery was sure of it. Fresh sweat made her palms slick as she realized Addisyn might even be in this very building.

It was time—long past time—to start thinking of what she might say, frame the well-chosen words that would persuade her sister to love her again. The most important conversation she might ever have, but her mind stayed as blank as a clean whiteboard.

BRIAN FELDING.The gold words on the door snagged her eye. She gulped. Tried to breathe deeply. This was it. His office.

Slowly she pushed the glass door open. She was in a small outer area, with one bored-looking secretary. On the back wall was a brown mahogany door, closed. Apparently that was Brian’s office proper.

The girl looked up dully without saying anything, so Avery smiled and began. “Hello. I’m looking for Mr. Felding.”

“He’s out of town.”

Avery felt disappointment crinkle all over her. “Oh.”

The girl nodded. “Sorry.”

“Yeah. Okay.” Avery had come across the country for this moment. She couldn’t leave without more information. “Um—do you know when he’ll be back?”

“No clue.” The girl shook her head. “He’s been traveling all over the country here lately.”

Something sparked to life with that sentence. “Really?” This girl seemed more communicative than most New Yorkers—and Avery needed to keep her talking.

“Mm-hm. He’s been going to different Olympic training centers.” She sighed. “It’s a hassle making all the reservations, but that’s what comes of being a secretary.”

Avery nodded slowly. “I know he was in Colorado. He came by to see me while he was in town.”

The girl looked up, surprised. “You know him personally?”

Avery smiled. Hopefully it looked real. “Well, my sister is one of his clients.”

“Cool.” The girl nodded. “Well, I’m sorry you missed him. He’s out of town this week with a client. Seems like she didn’t do so well this season, and then she didn’t get a good enough score at Sectionals to advance, so he was going to take her to some other event or something in Chicago. Some kind of an audition, I think.”

Chicago.Avery’s heart began to pound. She had come right through Chicago on her way here. She forced her voice to remain matter-of-fact. “That’s neat. What was the girl’s name?”

The girl shrugged. “I don’t know. Why?”

“Oh...I just wondered if it was someone my sister or I knew.” It wasn’t a lie.

“Yeah, I’m not sure.” She looked at Avery sympathetically. “Again, I’m sorry he’s not here.”

“Me too. But I’ll catch him later.” Avery had the information she needed, and now there was no time to waste. She was already backing out of the office. She waved at the girl. “Take care.”

Out in the hall, she forced herself to walk calmly. Inwardly she wanted to run, sprint out of this crazy fake building as fast as her feet would carry her. Brian and Addisyn were in Chicago. He was trying to get her back into competition. If that happened, she’d be tied to him for good.
