Page 60 of Flawless Desire

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“Yes, but there was nothing on it. I think he has two of them.”

Olivia frowns. “Two phones? That’s weird.”

“Not necessarily.” For some reason, I find myself defending him. “Some guys keep two phones, you know, for dates. Personal and business.”

“Well, Caleb certainly gets around.” Olivia gives a sharp laugh.

I feel a burn of humiliation. He certainly got his way around my body the other night.

“Anything else suspicious?” Olivia presses. “Acting strangely? Mysterious appointments?”

“No, except…” I stop.

“Except what?”

I pause. How do I say this? “He did rush off after the gala,” I tell her carefully. “It was odd. He got a call and just took off.”

“I heard you left quite early,” Olivia says.

“We did.” I burn. “This was… After. On the way to his place,” I add, fudging the details just enough to save my virtue.

“Oh.” Olivia’s eyes widen.

There’s silence. I wonder what she thinks of me. She told me to get close to him, but I don’t think she figured on this close. What if she’s mad?

But after a moment, Olivia seems to collect herself. She gives me a smile. “Look, Juliet, I’m not judging you. Caleb is a very charming man, and Lord knows, he can be very… Persuasive. But you should know, he’s an expert at acting the part. He plays the part of the dutiful CEO to our investors. A generous philanthropist. He’s always playing a part. To the press, to his employees… To his women.”

“Oh.” I deflate, remembering again how Caleb turned on the charm at the gala, even when it didn’t mean anything to him.

Is that what he’s been doing with me?

Olivia seems to take pity on me. She comes over and puts her arm around me. “Oh, Juliet. You didn’t believe his lines, did you? You’re a beautiful woman, sitting right outside his door all day. And Caleb, well, he’s like most man. He values convenience. It’s no wonder he’s turned his attention on you.”

My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. My cheeks heat.

Olivia shakes her head sadly. “I’ve known him for a long time. He seduces just about every woman he comes across. He’s incorrigible that way. Showers you with attention, expensive gifts, flowers, the whole nine yards. Then, when he gets what he wants… Game over. He can’t get away from them fast enough.”

A sick feeling swirls in my gut. Is he going to throw me away? Has he already?

“Which would make things tricky for us, don’t you think?” Olivia continues.

Us. The plan. Right.

“So what should I do?” I ask, head spinning.

“Don’t let him add you to his list of conquests,” Olivia advises. “As long as he’s chasing you, you still have value. Which means, you still have a job, and access to the proof. Otherwise… Well, if you can’t get near Caleb, you can’t really be much help to me, can you?”

The question dangles there. A faint threat.

Now my sickness is full-on nausea. I have to swallow back the bile in my throat. If I don’t get the info… I can’t get the reward—and help my mom.

I nod, trying to keep my composure. “Thanks for the info. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. Thanks Juliet. You’re doing great. Just—keep the pressure on.”

I see Olivia out, but as she’s stepping into the hallway, she crosses with a delivery guy just coming up the stairs. His arms are full of a massive bouquet of roses.

Olivia lets out a sharp laugh. “See? Right on time. From the company account at Le Rouge, no doubt.”
