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“Where’d you do time?”

“SCI Burlington.”


“You know it?”

“Of course. We’ve sponsored a couple of programs there over the years. The library was one we did recently. Iris freaked out when she learned the most modern book was older than she was.”

I laugh and shrug. “Wow. Well, then I thank you. The library is what kept me sane for the last four years.”

“You read a lot then?”

“That’s pretty much all I did. Read, worked out, food prep…” I stop, anxiety swirling in my stomach again.

He returns a sympathetic smile, and I look away.

“You, uh, need any help carrying those?” I ask, motioning to the glasses.

“I will in a second. Wanted to talk to you one-on-one first.” He clears his throat and leans his elbows on the island to study me. “I’m gonna be straight with you, Tristan. I have no interest in making your life harder than it is, but if I’m going to help you, I need the truth and I need it straightforward. I apologize for the abruptness of the questions I’m about to ask, but you seem like an intelligent kid. You have to know my stakes are high, and I can’t afford to act without understanding the situation and any possible ramifications. Do you understand?”

I swallow hard and force a nod. “Of course, sir.”


“Right. Sorry. I’ll be as frank as I can.”

He seems to relax as he straightens again. “Excellent. Then let’s get started. What exactly were your charges?”

It’s official. I have a bro-crush on Kyle Alexander. We ended up talking for so long, the others came looking for us to check on their drinks. Kyle sent them off with their glasses so we could continue in private. Iris, especially, wasn’t happy about being excluded, so when they return a half hour later, Kyle allows them to stay. We’re pretty much done anyway.

“Okay, I’m not gonna lie. You’re in a tough spot,” he says.

“I know.” I rub at a scratch in the granite countertop, feeling the weight of his attention.

“I remember that whole affair well. You were big news in Suncrest Valley. You’re not going to have many allies in this city.”

“It was an accident, and he did his time,” Iris says. “He deserves a second chance.”

“I’m not arguing that,” Kyle replies. “But like your PO said, there’s a lot of wiggle room for legal games if someone is motivated enough.”

“Can’t you just talk to Randall?” Iris asks. “He’s no saint by any means, but he’s not an idiot. He has a reputation and practice to maintain. He wouldn’t risk all of that over his son’s petty vendetta. If you explained to him your support of Tristan, he’d back off, right? He wouldn’t want to piss you off.”

Kyle quiets, and I see his mind working. My stomach sinks when he frowns, but I get it. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain by helping me.

“It’s not that simple, unfortunately,” he says. “Tristan, you seem like a decent guy who made a mistake. I agree with the kids that you don’t deserve the precarious situation you’re in now. But I also have to be careful about how involved I get. Your case is very notorious. It would be big news for me to step in, so anything I did would be under a spotlight. Like Randall Harrison, I also have a reputation to maintain, not just for myself, but for the good of the many companies and thousands of employees depending on me.”

“Wait, are you serious?” Iris snaps. “You’re not going to do anything? You’re just going to let the Harrisons bully someone for no reason?”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do anything,” Kyle says in a stern tone. “I just have to be careful and strategic about when and what that will be. I’m sorry, son, but I’ll have to think this over and consult my own lawyers.”

“Dad!” Iris cries.

“It’s okay. I understand,” I say, forcing a smile. And I do. The fact that he’s even willing to do that is more than I could have hoped for.

His eyes fill with sympathy, and I look away. But when my gaze lands on Isabel, my heart cracks at the devastation on her face. I reach for her hand, and her teeth sink into her lip like they do when she’s holding back tears. It kills me that her hope was crushed for the second time tonight. Iris and Ashton were supposed to be her knights in shining armor who delivered us to the castle. Kyle was supposed to be the fairy godfather who would wave his magic wand and make it all go away. I wish I could tell her it’s okay. ThatIwasn’t expecting any of that.

“Can’t we at least hire a lawyer to help him?” Iris asks. “There has to be something!”
