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Chapter 3


The plane’s sudden reaction to air turbulence caused Violet to squeak in fright as she grabbed hold of my arm and buried her face into my shoulder. I fought back a chuckle as I smiled. My free hand caressed her hair as I leaned down and whispered into her ear, “You are safe, piccolo fiore. I swear it. I give you my oath that you are safe here with me and will remain so.”

“Promise?” Her muffled response made me smile wider. I knew that I never meant an oath more. Something about this beautifully quirky girl had wrapped itself around my soul and had already burrowed its way within the short amount of time that I knew her. I couldn’t keep her, though. My life would only make her wilt.

I refused to dwell on those thoughts. We would be together on this flight for several more hours. I planned to enjoy every minute of it. “I promise, sweet flower. Now, how about you tell me more about your dad. Did he raise you on his own?”

I watched with a smile as she nodded her head and turned so that I could see her face while she rested her head on my shoulder. “I was abandoned as an infant, and he found me. Being a man of means, he arranged to adopt me. He named me Violet because the blanket I was wrapped in was covered in violets.”

“It fits you.” I smiled as even the smallest of compliments made her cheeks pinken. I found that I enjoyed teasing her just to see her blush. “Tell me, piccolo fiore, why is it that your father was so far from you in Italy?”

“His employer is a powerful man in Milan and asked him to work by his side. I was never home, always away studying or being with my friends. So he just decided it was time to move. I’ve missed him terribly, but he’s so happy now.”

As I listened to her talk, it struck me that my father’s money genius was from the US. “Did your father ever mention the name of the man? Milan’s rich and powerful move in rather small circles, so there is a chance I might know him.”

She nodded as I could see her try to remember. “I wouldn’t be surprised. Dad has always said that the world is much smaller than we realize. Let’s see… Cass… yes, Cassius Vaneti, I believe he said. I always thought it was such a unique and strong name.”

I looked at her in shock. “Piccolo fiore, are you sure?”

I watched her think for a long moment before she nodded. “Yes, he usually refers to him as Mr. V, but I’m quite certain his name is Cassius Vaneti. Why? Do you know him?”

I blinked at her before asking in Italian, “Confirm the American name of the Don’s consigliere.” Could it be this simple, this destined? “Little flower, Cassius Vaneti is my father. I am Zahn Vaneti.’

She blinked up at me in surprise before she gasped and put her hand over her mouth in shock and horror. “The son. Dad said the wedding was pushed along quickly because changes were happening. He mentioned hoping to impress Mr. V’s son.”

“Boss, he went by Dylan Jones. There is a mention of an adopted daughter, but she is kept free from the family. Luca is hoping to find a good match for her soon.”

“What did he tell you?” Her innocent eyes look up at me. How much should I tell her? I refused to lie to her. The idea of another man having her made a rage start to fill my soul. This flower would be mine and mine alone.

“Who is your father?” I asked, ignoring her question for the moment.

She narrowed her eyes as if she were wondering now if she should tell me. That fire to protect her loved ones made me smile proudly. “My father is Dylan Jones. Why? Do you know him?”

I smiled and nodded. “I do indeed. Have you heard the name Luca Altieri before?”

She looked at me confused and then blinked in understanding. “Dad said he used a different name in the US because an American name opened more doors. I’m not positive, but that name sounds really familiar.” I watched as the wheels were spinning in her head. “So, you mean I’ve been acting like a crazy American in front of my father’s boss's son? Of course, I have.” She tried to hide behind my shoulder, covering the rest with her free hand.

She tried to pull her hand free from mine, but I refused to let it go. “Let’s start over. How about that? Hello, I’m Zahn. You are?”

Her giggle immediately lightened my soul. “I’m Violet. It’s lovely to meet you, Zahn. Thank you for helping me not completely embarrass myself on this flight.”

“It’s been my pleasure. Would you like to join me for dinner? I see they’re going to serve us soon.”

Her smile at my question did something to me, and I knew I couldn’t let anyone else have her. She would be mine. “I would like that very much.” Her breathless response filled me with a sense that this was the way things were supposed to be.



The rest of the flight was a dream. It was smooth and perfect. Zahn was terrific company, and when we weren’t eating, he insisted on holding my hand. Remarkably it kept me grounded and kept me from having any more panic attacks.

We were preparing to land when he leaned over and said to me, “As we approach and land, there will be a bit of bumpy turbulence. Hold my hand and hide your face in my shoulder if you need to, but then that’s it. You’ve done it. You flew from New York City to Milan, Italy. Your fear didn’t win. You’re going to be there for your father.”

I smiled as tears filled my eyes. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips, unable to resist any further. “Thank you, Zahn. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

He reached up and caressed my cheek. My eyes closed, and I leaned into his touch. “Little flower, spend time with me. Let me show you my home. I can’t say goodbye yet.”

I found myself nodding. “I’d like that.” I pulled out my phone from my pocket and handed it to him as I asked, “Can I have a number to reach you?”

“Of course.” He entered his number into my phone, and I did the same for him. The plane started to jostle around as my hold on his hand tightened, and I immediately hid my face in his shoulder. I felt Zahn lift his arm as he wrapped it around me and held me close, placing a soft kiss on my head. I’d done it, and it was all possible because of this handsome man who held me.



I handed Violet her purse as we stood up. “Piccolo fiore, may I have your ticket stub? Rafe will get our bags and meet us.”

“Won’t I need it for customs?” Her concern was sweet. She didn’t understand how things worked here. In Milan, the Vaneti name made things happen. She didn’t need to know that quite yet. I wanted to spend more time with her before I lost her.

I smiled at her as I held up her hand and placed a tender kiss on it. “We go through a VIP area of customs that makes it easier.” Each smile she gifted me eased the darkness in my soul. Maybe it was selfish to want to hold onto that, but I found I couldn't let go yet.

“Zahn, what does ‘piccolo fiore’ mean?”

“It means ‘little flower.’” Her resulting giggle and blush pleased me more than I was willing to even to myself. “Come beautiful, let's get out of this airport and let me properly welcome you to my home.”

Rafe arrived with our bags while we waited in the VIP Lounge of Italian customs. “Boss, I let Luca know that we would be driving Ms. Violet to the hotel. He was concerned at first until he was informed that we would personally guarantee her safety.”

I nodded, pleased he was speaking Italian. “I would prefer her to stay at the villa, but the hotel will do until after the wedding.”

“Should I inform your father as well?”

“Yes. Tell him to cancel any potential introductions he has arranged as well. I think he will be happy with my choice.”

Rafe chuckled before smirking as he asked, “Is she aware yet?”

I returned his smirk. Rafe had remained by my side since we were young. I trusted him more than I trusted anyone. I hoped to change that soon with the beautiful woman I held close. “If not, she will be.”

“I love how it sounds when you speak Italian, but somehow I feel as if I am the subject of your discussion. Is everything ok?”

“There is no reason to be concerned, piccolo fiore. Rafe was just informing me that he let your father know that you are in my care, and after a tour of Milan, I would be bringing you to the hotel.”

“Grazie, Rafe.”

“It is my pleasure, Ms. Violet.” As he smiled and charmed her, I felt the pangs of jealousy. Narrowing my eyes at him, he chuckled as he walked away to handle our entrance into Milan.

“I know that you must be tired as I am, especially with seeing your father and the wedding, so we will only take a car tour today. After the wedding, though, I look forward to seeing Milan through your beautiful eyes.”

Her smile as she nodded before hiding a yawn let me know that my decision was a good one. I didn’t want to leave her side, but I knew I’d have to but only for a little while. Because soon she would be mine, my partner in every way. It was fast, but once I made a decision I knew to be correct, I followed it through, and my heart and soul were demanding I make Violet Altieri mine.

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