Page 86 of Nanny

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“Nah.” He pointed behind me at Sofi. “That’s mine.”

“You killed her mother.”

And now he’d come for Sofi. All of Hunter’s fears turned to reality, and I was the only one to blame. Sofi would have never been in danger if I wouldn’t have taken her out of the house.

“Her mother was a stupid fucking bitch. Always nagging, always getting on my nerves, always talking about her fucking brother trying to scare me. I needed her money, so I fucked a kid into her and now I want it back. Give me my daughter.”

Bile rose up my neck. Disgust was too weak of a word to describe what I was feeling for this man. How could anyone be so cruel? My heart broke for Elena and her faith. She died by the hands of a man that had Satan in his soul. If there was one thing I could do for her, it was to make sure that her daughter would never fall into the hands of this sociopath. I put the car seat behind me and blocked Sofi’s view with my body.

“Listen to me very clearly,” I said. “You’ll have to kill me to get to Sofi.”

He pulled a knife out of his pocked.

“Come here, blondie.”

I pushed Sofi behind the bench and prepared myself for the impact. The man tried to get closer, but I pushed him away, almost falling down in the process. He was strong, much stronger than I was, but all I had to do was hold on long enough so Hunter and the police would get here. I made a vow that no matter what would happen, I’d never let this man touch Sofi.

Remembering the self-defense classes I took at the gym a few years ago, I kicked my attacker in the shin and he howled.

“Fucking whore. This is your last warning. Get out of my way.”


He came for me again and this time we both fell on the grass, wrestling. I grabbed the wrist of the hand he was holding the knife with, holding on as tight as I could. He punched me in the ribs with his free hand in an effort to make me let go, but it didn’t work. I grew up with pain, so I knew how to take it.

We wrestled for power and I tried to hit him as much as I could while I kept pushing the knife away from my face. The adrenaline infested me like a plague, and I wasn’t aware of my own actions. I could hear my screams and Sofi’s cries, but focused on the man that was trying to put a blade in me and hurt my sweet Sofi.

Pushed by an unknown force, I freed myself from under him and hit him in the face with an elbow. With every inch that I was able to push him further away from Sofi, I felt more determined. The fight was vicious. I could taste blood, see blood, and had no idea if it was mine or his.

Growling like the devil himself, the man pulled his arm back with all his power and it slipped from my sweaty palms. He aimed the weapon my way and I scrambled to get back, but I couldn’t. The knife ended up in my abdomen and fresh blood splashed on both of us. The pain was suffocating. I couldn’t even scream or moan. I just sat there, looking at him with terror.

He got up on one knee and smiled, like the view was giving him pleasure.

“I told you to not fight me,” he said. “I’ll go get my daughter now.”


My blood was leaking from my body and so was my fight. I knew I’d collapse soon. I knew what was coming next, but if it was to die in a fucking park, I’d take him with me back to hell. With the last drop of energy I had, I pulled out the blade from my body, knowing that it would cause me to bleed out. I don’t know how I got up on my feet or how I managed to get close enough to the man before he could get to Sofi, but I did it. I threw myself at him with everything I had left and stuck the knife in the side of his neck.

We both fell back onto the grass. He cursed and choked, rolling around like a fish out of water. Suddenly, silence fell over the park for a few long seconds before Sofi’s desperate cries broke it. I was so tired, so dizzy. All I wanted was to close my eyes and sleep, but I had to get to the baby.

I dragged myself on the ground until I could reach her car seat.

“It’s ok, baby. It will be ok. Hunter will be here soon.”

“Aahhh! No. no.” She cried and reached for my face, but I was too far.

“I promise, Sofi, you’ll be ok. Hunter will give you the most beau-beautiful l-life.”

I kept talking, or at least I tried until everything became too much. I was cold and shaking with shivers. I closed my heavy eyelids and it was so comfortable. The last thing I remember is someone calling my name.

Chapter 21


She hadn’t moved in two days. Her hands were warm and her heart was beating, but she hadn’t moved at all. It didn’t matter how much I begged last night while I sat in the chair next to her bed, nothing happened. Three doctors tried to convince me this was just her body shutting down to recover, but I needed to see her chocolate eyes. My kitten. My fighter.

I’d never forget the agonizing feeling of finding her drenched in her own blood. She shielded Sofi with her body, almost with her life. So much blood. It was the second time in a few months where I saw the blood of a woman I loved spread all over the ground. I shook my head, pushing that thought away. That was done. I’d let the past die and only think about the future—our future. A life with Sofi and Amelia, but I needed her to open her eyes first.

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