Page 30 of Nanny

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“You were doing so good, kitten.”

“I’m sorry.” I put my hands back where they belonged, behind my back. “It won’t happen again.”

He gave himself a few strokes, looking down on me with a furrowed brow. The controlling part of him wanted to tell me no and send me to bed, but he took a long look at my lips and then sighed.

“Go on. Put me back in your mouth.”

I took him back. His body was aligned with mine and when he took it away, there was a moment where I was cold. This time, I was even more eager to please, so I started moving faster.

Hunter let his head fall back and said my name and a few curse words. My body reacted to him; I felt my nipples tightening, and I knew I was already wet and ready. I fought the need to touch myself so I wouldn’t risk him pulling away again.

Feeling bold, I brought my teeth into play and gently scraped his skin. Hunter’s response was wild; his hips bucked and he started moving in my mouth, picking up the pace and under his breath.

“That’s it, Amelia. Harder. I want you to make me come.”

I wanted that too, so I put all I had into it. My knees started to hurt, but I was too focused on the task to care about any other sensation in my body. Another couple of minutes later, Hunter pushed me back, one of his hands clasped onto my shoulder and the other around his shaft, spilling his cum on my chest. The entire time his orgasm unleashed, he didn’t look away from me, his eyes fighting to take over mine with their ocean-blue magic.

His semen was warm, coating my front like a mark of ownership, and I really didn’t know how to feel about that. The power game between us was hot and passionate, but being owned was a different thing.

“Good girl.” He bent down to kiss my forehead. “Come sit on the bed, kitten, so I can take care of you.”

I just nodded. My mood had shifted dramatically. I couldn’t put my finger on what bummed me out, but something did and now I was on edge—self-conscious and a little uncomfortable because of the position I was in.

I sat on the edge of the bed, taking Hunter’s place, with my back stiff and my legs close together until he came back from the bathroom. In one of his hands, he had a wet towel and in the other something that looked like a shampoo bottle.

“What are you doing, Hunter?”

His head snapped towards me when he heard his name, but I chose to ignore it.

“Cleaning you up.” He gently rubbed the cloth over my chest until there was no reminisce of himself on my skin. “This,”—He showed me the bottle.—“is aloe gel. I’m going to put some on your knees, ok?”


“You stayed a long time on the hard floor and I don’t want your beautiful skin to get damaged.”

His words surprised me. Wasn’t the whole point of his dominant-submissive lifestyle to bruise me all over? Seeing Hunter so sweet and attentive to my needs made my heart beat irregularly and I felt something in my chest that I knew I shouldn’t. I had to stop reading too much into what was going on between us. Physical attraction was the only thing we had in common and the only thing that would ever connect us.

I thanked Hunter for his gesture, and he kissed my forehead in response.

“You did well, kitten. I’m very pleased with you.”

How could I not shiver with pleasure when he was talking like this?

“I should get dressed and go back to move Sofi to her bed.” I said, and took my eyes away from his. I felt vulnerable every time we were eye to eye.

“Wait here a second.” He disappeared into the walk-in closet and came back with a black plush robe that had the word Knox Hotels Group embroidered in gold on the chest and wrapped me in it. “I’ll make sure your clothes are laundered.”

“Thank you.”

I got up on my feet and he pulled me in for a kiss. It was possessive but gentle and I enjoyed it to no end. His lips felt soft on mine and the strokes of his tongue was mastered to perfection. Yes, Hunter Knox could make a woman go crazy with just a kiss.

“Do not make yourself come.”


“When you go back to your room, don’t touch yourself. I own all your pleasure.” I just nodded. “Amelia, you are an amazing woman.”

“You’re not an ordinary man, Hunter. I’m starting to understand the fascination everyone has with you.”
