Page 21 of Nanny

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“Umm, we don’t interact that much. From what I gather, he is a very busy man.”

“Aha. Well, I’m glad you like your new job, babe.”

“Yeah, it’s great. Hey, where would you put a package that you don’t want anyone to see, but you still want someone to find?”


I exhaled.

“Hunter got something delivered today and it looks private. I don’t know where to put it.”

“Hunter?” she asked. “You’re first-naming him?”

“No!” Maybe I’d answered a little too fast. “I don’t call him Hunter to his face. I meant Mr. Knox. Are you going to help me or not?”

“Just leave it on his bed or somewhere private.”

“His bed?”

“Yes, Amy. The thing he sleeps on.”

“But that’s in his bedroom. I’m not allowed to go there.”

“It’s not like you’re going through his closet to see what briefs he is wearing. Just go there and leave the thing on the bed.”

“Fine, ugh. Stay on the phone with me.”

I walked to the stairs that lead to my room and ascended. I had no idea where his bedroom was, but I had to guess it was close to the terrace where I spotted Hunter last night, so that was the direction I took. The first door I’d opened was a gym, but luck struck me the second time.

I walked into Hunter’s bedroom, and the air was knocked out of my lungs. The place was a dungeon of seduction, just what I’d imagined for a man like him. The bed was covered in black, matching the curtains, there were soft red lights around it and in the corners of the room, and the pictures on the wall made me swallow hard. The photographs were black and white big with black frames, one more erotic than the other. There was one with a woman’s naked body, another with a man grabbing a woman’s ass, a woman fingering herself, and the most striking one, a man in a suit looking straight at a blonde woman in chains. Every single one made my hairs go up. They were charged with sexuality.

“Amy, are you there?”

“Yep.” I dropped the package on the bed and turned to leave with my cheeks burning. Hunter had porn scenes on his walls, wow. Were they just that? Scenes? Or was he there taking the photographs? He definitely wasn’t the man in the pictures, but maybe his fetish was to watch.

“Did you drop the thing?”

“Yes, and now I’m out of here.” I needed to return to safe territory, but in my hurry to get out of there I’d hit a long stick that was close to the door and I stepped on it. The damn thing snapped in two when I trapped it between my foot and the wall. “Shit.”

“What was that? Did you fall or something?”

“No, ugh. Poppy, help me. I broke something.”

“No!” She inhaled audibly. “Please tell me you didn’t ruin Hunter Knox’s bedroom.”

“No, I…it’s something…I don’t know.” The stick was slightly thicker at one end, polished, and decorated with a few carvings and rhinestones around the part that I figured it was a handle. “I think it’s a pool cue.”

“A pool cue? He has one in his bedroom?”

“Yeah. I saw a pool table in his office. Maybe he brought it here accidentally. I don’t know, but I broke it.”

“Can you fix it?”

“No, Poppy, damn it! It’s in two pieces!”

She laughed and my palms started to sweat. This was not funny. Not funny at all.

“Don’t yell at me, crazy woman. Ok, I’m on Google now. I will send you some places where they sell it. Do you want me to pick one up for you and bring it by?”
