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Finding the tunnel door still shut, I spin around to scan the gardens for any sign of the others.

They should have gotten out by now. I’d left the car running out front, a safe distance from the house before coming to see if they needed help.

I rub the back of my neck as I try to think what to do next. The door can’t be opened from this side, so there’s nothing I can do but wait and hope they got out in time … or things are going to get a lot worse than they already are.

Perching myself on part of the old stone wall, I sit and wait, my patience growing thinner with each passing minute. Something glints, catching my attention out of the corner of my eye.

Turning, my mind blanks for all of two seconds before I’m on my feet and standing over the thing.

Dante’s keys.

I snatch them off the ground, lifting them to my nose as my eyes narrow.

So, she escaped.

Her scent is barely distinguishable from the smoke, but it’s there … as is Seven’s.

Damn it. Dante never lets anyone else touch these keys. So, either something happened to Dante or he tasked Seven with helping her escape.

I turn, dropping to the ground to press my nose to the hidden entrance, but I can only scent her.

My brow furrows as I rise and look over the fields and forest, but see nothing.

Closing my eyes, I try to link with Dante or Seven, but nothing happens. Growling in frustration, I clench the keys in my fist before setting off across the field.

If nothing else, I should be able to catch her scent again once I’m far enough away from the smoke and fire. At least with the gates surrounding the grounds, there’s no way for her to easily slip out.

I’m halfway across the field when I come to an abrupt standstill. My head swivels as I listen to the revving of an engine.

I spin on my heel, sprinting back toward the front of the house, but I’m too late. Breathing heavily as I try not to inhale too much smoke, I watch Evi speed out of the drive and back toward the city. The tail lights of my car disappearing as the gates open and she disappears into the forest.

Setting my jaw in frustration, I glance down at my hand only to realize I’m still holding onto Dante’s keys.

Whirling around, I sprint over to his sports car, dodging shards of glass as some of the windows suddenly burst from the still-building heat of the fire. I press the button to pop open the driver’s door and slip inside.

Adjusting the seat, I push the ignition and the engine roars to life. Throwing the car into gear, I press my foot flat against the gas pedal and the car shoots forward. I spin the wheel, easily drifting around the rounded drive and narrowly missing Seven’s motorcycle in the process.

I can’t even imagine the fight we’d have over that.

Settling back in the chair, I set my sights forward as I speed out of the drive, through the main gates as they swing open for me, and along the winding road.

I can’t help but grin at the feel of the car beneath me as we work as one. Dante also did have good taste when it came to vehicles, and no matter how fast Evi drives my SUV, it’s no match for this beast of a machine.

I’ll catch up with her before too long, especially knowing these roads better than anyone.

Passing through the second gate, I’m almost impressed she already made out of the grounds, though I suppose she’s riding pretty high on adrenaline right now.

I expertly maneuver the car around breaks in the road, tight corners, and potholes with the slightest touch. Reaching the end of the drive, I peel out onto the main road, once again impressed not have caught up with her already … though I can’t imagine what that means for the state of my car.

Pressing my foot flat against the floor, I push the car to it’s limits, my knuckles whitening as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. There are a few cars on the road, but I keep my own headlights off as I look for the SUV’s tail lights.

Finally, I see them.

They’re just pinpricks of light in the distance right now, but they won’t stay that way for long.
