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Slowly opening my eyes, I find that the room is still too dark to see anything. I must have woken up earlier than usual.

It takes me another few seconds to remember what happened last night, and why I’m lying naked on top of a huge man. Luci’s breathing is soft, the scent of his skin pleasantly sweet instead of acidic after a night of sweating, and combined I’m nearly lulled straight back to sleep as I shift slightly on top of him … only to realize that was a mistake.

Not only does pain shoot through every single one of my cramped-up muscles, but I’m now very aware of something hard pressing against my thigh. Of course, I knowwhatthat something is, seeing how Luci and I both butt naked … and his arms are still wrapped my torso. Again, I inwardly curse myself for being so quick to toss my perfectly-good underwear aside last night.

Ever so carefully, I wriggle my hips, gritting my teeth against the ache of my sore muscles as I try to put myself in a slightly less dangerous position.

“Did you sleep well?” Luci asks, his gritty morning voice warm and surprisingly soothing, despite the way it’s startled me in the dark.

He sits up, lifting me with him as he repositions himself so that I’m now nestled in his lap.

“I suppose I slept better than expected, given the circumstances,” I answer, noting that the way I’m positioned now is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to do.

With my legs draped around his hips, I’m now sitting nearly groin to groin with him. I blush deeply at the thought of what stands between us, and I’m once again thankful that I can’t see anything.

“I wanted to thank you again, for what you did for me last night,” Luci says.

“I-it was nothing.”

“It meant a great deal more than nothing to me,” Luci says, one of his hands lifting to cup my face as the other drops to my waist. I don’t know how he manages to find me so easily in the dark when I can’t even tell where his body ends and mine begins.

I’m almost surprised he hasn’t used it as an excuse to cop a feel.

“Really, I—"

Before I can say anything more, Luci’s lips find mine. His other hand slides around me before lifting me up onto his hips to pull me flat against him, and I can’t help but gasp. Luci’s hand drops to my lower back as he rubs the length of himself between our bodies, and all thought of modest humility is driven from my mind.

Our kiss deepens, and my heart races in my chest.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t think. I can’t even decide what it is that I actually want to happen.

He pulls away, kissing his way along my jawline and neck as he works his way down to my shoulder.

I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but this is not the quiet, brooding Luci I’ve grown accustomed to.

I don’t know what’s gotten into myself either. I swear it’s like their kisses are laced with some kind of drug that makes you forget everything except your desire for them.

I try to clear my mind as Luci’s hands send electricity rippling through my body in waves as his fingertips glide teasingly over my skin.

“I want to show you my appreciation,” Luci whispers, his breath running cool across the heat of my skin.


Luci snorts softly, lowering me backward onto the bed as he kisses his way down my body. Unlike Seven and Dante, he completely ignores my breasts, choosing instead to shift lower. Nestling himself between my legs, he pulls them up over his arms as he wraps his hands around my thighs.

He kisses my lower stomach sending a wave of excitement rushing through me. Every touch, every kiss has me drawing closer and closer to the edge.

I don’t know if it’s because I can’t see anything that my senses are heightened, or if these men really have some kind of magic in their touch … or if I’m just delirious from the past few days, but all I want is for one of them to finally relieve me of this agonizing tension.

I reach down, grabbing a handful of Luci’s thick hair just as his mouth dips lower and I let out a gasp. A mixture of pleasure and overwhelming desire flood my body, and I don’t know how to react.

“I-I didn’t shave,” I blurt out, a wave of embarrassing heat crashing through me. Luci pulls away momentarily, and I instantly regret having said anything.

“Why does that matter? You still taste just as sweet.”
