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Whatever. I’ve handled worse.

* * *

“It’s the weekend,” Calli sings as we make our way back into the locker room after cheer practice.

Weirdly, Teagan and her bitches are still blissfully absent, something I could not be happier about. The entire squad just seems more relaxed without them.

“Yes,” I sigh. “I’m more than ready for a weekend of nothing.”

“Nothing?” Calli asks me, pulling open her locker and dragging her bag out.

“Yeah. This week has been…” I don’t get a chance to come up with a word, because she takes over.

“Exciting. You took down Seb in front of the entire sixth form. Girl, we’ve not seen that excitement in like… ever. It was fucking epic.”

A smile tugs at my lips.

Yeah, it was pretty spectacular if I do say so myself.

“He didn’t even see it coming, from what I heard. You totally owned him.”

“He needs teaching a lesson or two.”

“Well, I think you definitely did that. No one is going to be messing with you anytime soon.”

“I can only hope, right?” I mutter as I drop onto the bench and lift my bottle to my lips.

“So, you’re coming to the party tonight,” Calli announces.

“Err… I really don’t think I am.”

“Oh, come on. You need to celebrate.”

“Celebrate what?” I ask, looking up at her as she pulls on a hoodie.

“Being Knight’s Ridge newest bad-arse bitch.”

“Is that a label I want?” I joke.

“It could be worse. You could be invisible like me.”

“You’re not—” Calli quirks a brow at me. “I’ve only been here a week. What do I know?”

“It’s my fucking brother’s fault. He scared off every single guy in a twenty mile radius before I even grew boobs.”

I snort a laugh. “Who’s your brother?”

She stares at me as if I just asked my own name.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“It’s been an intense week. I haven’t exactly been learning everyone’s family trees.”

“Then you definitely need to come to this party tonight. Figure out who everyone is. I’ll give you a masterclass.”

“I think I’ve already figured out who I need to stay away from.”

“That may be true. But is it working?”

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