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“I don’t doubt it.”

“How’s senior year treating you?” I ask with a heavy heart. I should be there experiencing it with them, but here I am, starting over once more.

“It’s great. Ruby is fucking killing it as cheer captain already.”

“As if she’d do anything else.” I smile, thinking of her taking charge and whipping the new squad into shape.

“And the boys? Kyle?”

I swear I hear her swoon at the mention of his name alone.

“Everyone is great. The boys are going to kill it this year, I can feel it. Ash is a great captain,” she says, mentioning Ruby’s boyfriend. “What about you? You managed to find a cheer club?”

“Yeah, I have. I’m going tomorrow night. I joined the gymnastics team at school, too.”

“That’s awesome. I’m so glad you’re finding your feet.”

“Yeah, although a few already want to knock me off them,” I joke.

“Then they need to learn you’re not one to be messed with.”

“I’m biding my time. Although, there is already one boy walking around with bruised balls courtesy of my knee.”

“Yes, girl,” she squeals.

As I laugh at her excitement, I reach out to start my car—only the usual purr of my girl’s engine doesn’t erupt. Instead, a warning light flashes on my dash.

“Fuck,” I bark.

“What’s wrong?”

“Something’s up with my car. Can I call you later?”

“I’ve got practice after school, so it might be late your time.”

“Okay, you ring me when you’re done. If I’m awake I’ll answer, if I’m not then I won’t.”

“Sounds like a plan. Good luck with your car.”

“Thanks,” I mutter. Hanging up, any excitement that might have bubbled up from talking to Harley has well and truly vanished.

“Seriously?” I bark at my car when I try to start her again and get the same warning light.

Groaning, I tilt my head back and close my eyes, praying for strength.

The only good thing about all this is that Seb and his little lap dog have both left.

A yelp rips from my lips when someone knocks on my window.

With my heart in my throat and my pulse thundering through my body, I crack my eyes open and look to the side.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter to myself, seeing one of Seb’s boys standing slightly bent over so he can look inside my car.

Lowering the window, I snap, “What?”

His vibrant blue eyes make my breath catch as they stare into mine.

Unlike Seb’s dark ones, these don’t seem to hate me, which is somewhat of a relief because I’m not sure I’ve got the energy for any more barbed comments or scathing insults.

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