Page 13 of Killer Crush

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He lets out a low whistle. “Shit, this is some premium stuff. Let’s stash this in my apartment and order a couple of kegs.”

He starts for the door and I have to grab his collar—on the turtleneck that used to be mine—and drag him back. I’m not stepping foot outside my apartment until I have Quinn.

“You said to get liquor and I got liquor.” I muscle my way through the crowd to the kitchen where two girls are standing on the concrete counters dancing. I can see their underwear. I think one might not be wearing underwear. This was a mistake. I dump the booze into the sink and turn around to grab Quinn. We can go to a hotel or sit in my truck until the place clears out. Instead of my girl, I find Flip.

“You definitely bought got some quality booze here but I don’t think it’s enough. We need a keg.”

“I have no idea what that is.”

Flip’s jaw drops. “You don’t know what a keg is? Like I knew you were old, but I didn’t know you were that old.”

“Leave him alone,” chirps Quinn.

I find her right at my elbow with her chin out and her eyes flashing. She’s like a small terrier, ready to fight on my behalf. If I wasn’t in love with her before, I would be now. “Yeah, leave me alone.”

Flip makes a face. “I can’t serve top shelf booze to all these people. We’ll run out after one round of shots.”

“Then get a keg.” I pull out my credit card. “Buy whatever you want.” Flip reaches up to snatch the card out of my hand, but I pull it away. “First, you have to promise to watch over Trin.” I dip my head toward Quinn’s roommate. “No one spikes her drink. No one touches her without her permission. She gets as drunk as she wants and she spends the night alone. If I hear that she was made unhappy in any way, it will be your fault and I will come back and kill you slowly and painfully.”

Flip stares at me for a long silent moment and then busts out laughing. “Fuck. You can be scary when you want.” He takes the card. “No problem. I got it covered. What’s my limit?”

“No limit as long as you follow the rules.” I clasp Quinn’s hand in mine. “Let’s go.” I don’t wait for her to agree; I just start moving and I don’t stop until I reach the elevator.

“I’m trying to figure out why you hosted a party at your apartment when you hate them,” Quinn says in a low voice as I jab the down button with unnecessary force.

“Because I didn’t want you to go to the frat party.” The elevator doors slide open and I drag Quinn inside. Once the doors shut and the noise recedes, I allow myself to relax against the wall of the cab.

Quinn tilts her head to the side as she studies me. “Do you really not know what a keg is or were you pulling Flip’s leg?”

“I don’t know. This is my first year of college.”

“Oh. A non-trad?” She doesn’t say it with any judgment.

I nod. “Yeah. I had a job before and decided it wasn’t for me so I quit and enrolled.”

“I’m a junior.”

I don’t say I know because she might find that creepy.

“I think it’s cool you’re coming back to school. How old are you?”

“Twenty-five.” I feel eighty sometimes. Killing wears you down. Or maybe it’s more like killing erases all your ideals. Everyone is dirty; no one really lives a worthy life. You get up; you eat; you die. That’s what life boils down to. Except Quinn here makes me want to rethink things. There’s something in her face, something beyond just prettiness, that makes me want to unravel her until I can see the inside. She’s got something I need, something alive.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asks.

“Because you’re so fucking beautiful, why else?”

She averts her face in embarrassment. “I’m pretty at best but definitely not beautiful.”

I shoot forward and slap my hand across the red button, bringing the elevator to a screeching halt. “Who told you that?” I demand, towering over her. Someone’s going to die. I just need a name.

“Told me what?” Her eyes dart to the elevator button.

“Who told you that you weren’t beautiful?”

“I’m just not.” She seems confused.

“Then you’re blind.” I put my fist under her chin. “You’re the most beautiful thing walking on this earth. Pretty sure if you weren’t here, there wouldn’t be any reason for any other living thing to exist.”

Her mouth parts and maybe she was going to say something but I can’t stop my head from descending. I can’t stop myself from sealing my lips across hers. I can’t stop my tongue from diving between her lips. I can’t stop kissing her. All my life, I chased death but now I want to live.

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