Page 111 of Despair

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Axel narrowed his eyes. He opened his mouth to warn them to not hurt his girl, but then Evan pulled a crumpled envelope from his pocket and waved it before them.

“She wrote us all letters,” he explained. “We thought now that you’re awake, we could read all of them together before we all turn in for the night.”

“Okay,” Daisy said. “Give me five minutes, and we’ll be down.”

“Thirty,” Axel countered, and gave his gorgeous mate a meaningful look. He needed some uninterrupted alone time with her first.

“Ew,” Evan said, his eyes ping-ponging between them.

“You kids be safe.” Tony smirked before grabbing Evan by the scruff and forcing his brother out the door. “And don’t keep us waiting long.”

“She needs a proper shower,” Axel tried to explain, but they were already gone.

He stared at the closed door for a moment before shrugging and locking it. He supposed their minds had already gone there, so why not visit too. He turned around with a smirk. “Now, where were we?”

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