Page 127 of Flash Point

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Page 127 of Flash Point


Twenty long minutes later,Zeke, Liv, Phin, Kayla, and several other guests began filtering out of the St. Martin mansion.

The big unveiling took less than five minutes, and Nicola did an admirable job of pretending nothing was amiss.

Fear for Ash gathered in Zeke’s chest. Would Ash lose his job? Or get buried in some FBI basement and be forced to sift through seventy years of UFO sightings? Would the CI stand back and allow the drug shipment to go through? When would the first child die from an overdose?

Question after question tore at his mind. But the one he focused on now was who had stolen the Kämmer and Reinhardt doll, and why?

As they neared their hosts, who stood at the door, thanking their guests as they exited, Zeke activated his ear insert.

“Rohan, you got an update?”

“I hacked into the St. Martin surveillance system in less than a minute. For all their money, their security is for shit.”

“What can you tell me?”

“Someone tampered with the feed. Put it on a continuous loop, allowing someone to walk right up to the table and take the doll.”

“Good job. Keep digging. See if anything else pops.”


Having heard his conversation with Rohan through her own earpiece, Liv mused aloud, “Who could have smuggled out a two-foot doll undetected?”

A growing suspicion formed in Zeke’s mind, but he let it percolate there for the time being. Right now, he had a more pressing concern.

Getting out of this mansion.

Finally, they reached the head of the exit line. Zeke shook hands with Hugh and Nicola. “I hope you track down your missing artifact.”

“I have no doubt we will.” Nicola projected a calm confidence that seemed out of place for one who treated her acquisitions as if they were household pets. “Good luck with your,” she considered him a moment, “endeavors.”

Liv slipped a hand into his. “Goodnight Nicola, Hugh.” She nodded at the curator, who stood on the opposite side of the socialite, holding a tablet. “Dr. Bentley.”

Their quartet streamed into the cool night air. Rather than feeling a sense of relief, Zeke's shoulders bunched tighter and tighter. He couldn’t shake off the dread that made every step to freedom a slog.

When they reached the end of the walkway, two Goliaths in suits blocked their path. One held a device in his hand similar to the curator’s. The display flashed red.

The security guard with the tablet said, “The two of you need to follow us.”

He peered over his shoulder and found two more guards behind them. Liv gripped his hand tighter.

Phin registered what was happening. Confusion flickered across his brother’s face.

Maybe he could gut it out. “Is there a problem?”

“This will only take a moment, sir.”

Zeke looked at the guard’s tablet, at the flashing red light. “You’re looking for the missing display piece, aren’t you? A doll, if rumor can be believed.” He released Liv’s hand, opened his cape, and rotated in a circle. “No doll here.” With a roguish smile, he nodded at Liv’s flapper dress. “No doll there.”

Tablet Guard didn’t share his amusement. He indicated a cobblestone path leading to the opposite side of the house. “This way, sir. Ma’am.”

The desire to run arrowed through his body, but Zeke knew the attempt would be futile and ridiculous, since he wasn’t exactly a stranger. Plus, he would never leave Liv to clean up his mess, but there was a segment of his renegade mind that wanted the confrontation with Nicola. Wanted her to explain how she’d come into possession of an antique sword that had been stolen a century ago.

“I’ll go with you, but there’s no reason to involve Mrs. Westcott.”

Liv grabbed his hand. “I go where you go.”